Chapter 9

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Will and Kyle run into the hallway. Why was there a scream goes through Will's head. Will and Kyle make it to the stairs where everyone is compacted. Kyle and Will push through everyone and look to see what is happening.

A girl lays there with a knife in her throat. She lays there still not moving. Will has seen her w few times but hasn't talked to her. He looks over to see another girl right by her kneeling down crying. Anne sits there next to her trying to calm her down.

"She's dead," says the girl sobbing.

"Can you tell me what happened?" Asks Anne.

"I don't know we were just sleeping and she told me she was gonna go downstairs real quick. She wasn't back in a while so I went to go check on her and I see her dead and I screamed," she says.

One thought goes through Will's head. Ty and Amber. They must be behind her death. Hannah and Janet walks towards them.

"What do you think happened?" Asks Janet.

"It was Ty and Amber," blurts out Will with his arms crossed.

"How do you know?" Asks Hannah.

"These two just randomly appear and decided to attack the city and knows our name," he says, "That's no coincidence."

"They must want something," he says.

"But what is it?" Asks Janet.

"We will never know unless we see them again," says Will. He moves his head and stares right at the professor.

"He's not gonna let us go," says Hannah.

"That's why we don't ask," says Will about to walk away but Kyle grabs his arm.

"We can't just sneak out," says Kyle.

"Why not? Nicki and I did it when you guys went to go find Jace," says Will.

"We've never done it before," says Janet.

"We need to find them and sometimes you have to break the rules," says Will.

"I don't know if I can do it," says Janet.

"You guys don't have to come," says Will, "I will go by myself if I have to."

Will starts to walk away.

"Will!" Exclaims Kyle but Will doesn't turn around.

Will thinks about it. He needs to find out who Ty and Amber is and why they snuck into the mansion and murdered one of them.

Someone grabs his shoulder. He turns around to see that it is Nicki.

"Your awake," Will says.

"I was just under a trance that's all but it stopped after a while," she says.

"I need your help," says Will, "But it will require for us to break the rules."

"Please since when do I care about rules?" She asks sarcastically.

"Very true," he says smiling, "We need to find Ty and Amber again."

"Do you think they were behind this?"

"I don't think they were, I know they were," says Will.

"I'm in," she says.

"Me too," says a person from behind Will.

He turns around to see that it's Lexi.

"I want to help you guys," she says.

"Are you sure?" Asks Will.

"Positive," says Lexi smiling.

"I'll come too," says another voice.

Will looks to see that it is Mike.

"No," Will says.

"I'm sorry what did you say?" Asks Mike.

"We don't need your freaking help!" Exclaims Will.

"Will come on," says Nicki.

"Yeah listen to the death chick," says Mike.

Will looks at Lexi. She just shrugs.

"Fine whatever," he says, "I thought you agreed with the professor?"

"I have to have a good reputation with him Will," he says, "Which right now you're not making a good one."

Will glares at Mike while he just smiles with his arms crossed.

"We better get going if we are gonna go," says Nicki.

"Let's go right now everyone is distracted right now," says Lexi.

"Alright let's go," says Will.

They look around and the four of them leave the room while everyone looks at the dead girl with the knife in her throat.

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