Chapter 23

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Kyle looks up the coordinates where Ty and Amber are. He will fight for Janet back no matter what. He finds the coordinates and lands the plane. He looks to see that he's rift next to a cave.

"They must be in there," says Kyle to himself.

He walks into the cave very slowly. The walls drip of water and fall to the floor. He goes further and further into the cave until he walks up to a wall.

He sees a door that leads to the other side of the door. He grabs the handle and opens it very slowly. All the sudden a few robots fly out knocking Kyle to the ground.  He stops a few of them from flying and levitates them to the ground making the cave shake a bit.

He tries to run through the door but one of them grabs him. He escapes from the robots hold but it shoots it's laser right at him.

Kyle dodges it just in time. He kicks the robot making it take a few steps back. He levitates the robots arms off and then the legs and it shuts down. All the sudden a robot grabs him from behind him and takes a strong hold on him.

Ty walks through the door.

"Hello Kyle," he says.

"Where is she?" Asks Kyle loudly.

"Where is who?" Ty.

"Don't play games!" Exclaims Kyle.

"Oh you mean Janet," he says smiling, "We knew you would come save her."

Ty walks through the door and the robot carrying Kyle follows behind him. The room has tables everywhere with tools and chemicals. Kyle looks to see Janet in a cell right on the middle of the room.

"Kyle!" She exclaims.

"Janet!" He exclaims.

The robot throws Kyle into the cell with Janet and looks it. Janet grabs Kyle and hugs him hard.

"I'm scared," she says crying.

"Don't worry," he says.

"I guess your plan backfired," says Amber.

"That's what you think," says Kyle.

He lifts his hands up and tries to break the bars. It doesn't budge. He tries again but still nothing.

"It's one of the most strongest metals," says Ty, "Even your telekinesis is powerful enough to break it."

"Just let him go and keep me here," says Janet.

"Janet we both age leaving this place," says Kyle.

Ty and Amber look at each other smiling.

"You see Janet, the plan was to take you because we knew he would come after you," says Ty.

"I've been a hostage at the mansion, I know things," says Amber.

Ty walks over to the table and picks up the needle with the serum in it.

"This hasn't been used in a while," says Ty, "Shall we use it today?"

Kyle and Janet look at each other and go to the side of the cell.

The robot walks over to the cell and takes Kyle out of the cage leaving Janet in the cage.

"Amber you know what to do," says Ty.

"No please!" Exclaims Janet.

Amber walks over to Kyle and hypnotizes him making his eyes turn red and falls to the ground.

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