Chapter 14

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They all go outside and watch the front. Hannah turns invisible, Janet goes into diamond form, Nicki hides in a bush summoning skeletons, and Kyle and Jace stand there at the front door.

"Be on the look out and do not fall asleep," says Kyle. They walk around for a bit looking in all areas.

Will sits in his cell wishing he could do something. He looks over to see Lexi crying and Mike sleeping.

"Sorry I got you into this," Will says Lexi.

"It's okay," she says wiping away a tear, "It was my choice to come anyway. Just can't believe I made a bad representation already."

"It's fine I did too," he says trying to make her feel better.

He puts his hands on he bars and burns them until they come off.

"What are you doing?" Asks Lexi.

"Getting us out. We need to help them," says Will burning Lexi's cell.

"What about Mike?" Asks Lexi looking at him.

"Just leave him," Will says as they start walking upstairs.

They go to the main floor hoping that no one sees them.

"Ready?" Will asks Lexi.

"Ready," she replied and they both open the door to the outside. Kyle and Jace stand there at the door.

"What the hell are you guys doing here?" Asks Kyle.

"We are here to help," says Will.

"Just don't get caught," says Kyle smiling.

Hannah turns visible in front of them.

"Breaking the rules again?" She asks folding her arms.

"Sorry," Will says.

She tries to show a smile.

"Come on," says Hannah.

They turn around but then a robot appears in front of them. It grabs Hannah and throws into the air and she lands in a bush.

Kyle uses his telekinesis to push the robot back. It takes it a machete and starts slicing it around in the air.

"Get everyone to out here!" Yells Kyle.

Will flies away to find everyone.

The robot shoots a laser towards Kyle but Lexi blocks it with her force field.

Will lands in the bush where Nicki is hiding.

"Come on!" He exclaims.

"What do you mean?" She asks.

"We are under attack," he says but another robot appears right in front of them. Nicki summons a few skeletons and her and Will run.

Hannah gets up from the bush and Janet runs over towards her in diamond form.

"Are you okay?" Janet asks helping Hannah up.

"Yeah I'm fine, we need to take these robots out," she says.

All the sudden another one flies in right in front of them.

"How many are there?" Asks Janet freezing its feet to the ground.

"Who knows," says Hannah.

Anne comes running over to them.

"Girls are you okay?" She asks.

"Yeah we are fine," says Janet.

Anne's eyes turn red and she falls to the ground. Amber stands there right behind Anne. Hannah turns invisible. Anne tries to hypnotize Janet but can't with her diamond form.

"Get out of here!" Exclaims Janet shooting ice towards her but she misses. Jace downs from behind and jumps on her back. Amber grabs his face and his eyes turn red too.

Janet grabs Amber and holds on to both her arms.

"Let me go!" Exclaims Amber but her eyes turn black.

Janet looks to see Kyle there and she lets go of Amber. Everyone starts running over to them.

"What are you guys doing here?" Frank asks to Will, Nicki, and Lexi.

"Here to help," says Nicki.

"We got her," says Janet.

"What about Ty?" Asks Hannah.

"Who knows if he's here but we need to keep her here," says Frank, "Kyle you take her downstairs while the rest of us get Jace and Anne."

They all look over to see Anne and Jace out of it.

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