Chapter 7

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They all aboard on the plane. Jace sits Nicki on one of the chairs and she sits there still, not making one move. Will looks at her but she just stares at him with her blank red eyes.

"She's kind of creeping me out," says Will.

"She's way out of it," says Jace touching her face.

"Let's just get to the mansion," says Janet.

Kyle goes to the front flying them to the mansion.

"How did you and Kyle do? Jace asks Mike.

"We did good, made sure everyone made it out of the area," he says, "Had to carry a few people since they wouldn't move."

Will looks at Mike with her arms folded.

"How did you do Will?" Asks Mike smiling.

"I did okay," he says, "Two people named Ty and Amber were behind this."

"They had two robots with them," says Janet.

"He knew my name and he probably knows the rest of ours too," says Will.

"What about the girl?" Asks Mike.

"She just put Nicki into a weird sleep," says Jace looking at her.

They all make it to the mansion and walk into the professors office.

"What happened?" He asks.

"They got away but we got everyone out of there safe," says Kyle.

"Where's Nicki?" Asks the professor.

"She's in the emergency room," says Jace.

Anne walks into the room.

"Sir it's about Nicki" she says.

"What is it?" He asks.

"Nicki is in a trance," Anne says.

"Mental hypnosis," mutters Janet.

"What did you say Janet?" Asks the professor.

"Amber the girl who was there out Nicki into the trance, mental hypnosis," she says.

"The guy there was like sprouting trees and dirt everywhere," says Will.

"Earth powers," says the professor.

"Ty and Amber are the names," says Janet.

"Anne go look up as much information as you can about these two," says the professor.

"On it," she says leaving the room.

"Professor he knows my name. We might be in danger," says Will.

"Don't worry we will figure this out," says the professor.

Hannah and Lexi walk into the room. Hannah walks over to Will giving him a hug.

"Thank god you're ok," she says.

Will looks at Lexi. Her dram was exactly like what happened. Will let's go of Hannah and walks up to Lexi.

"Your dream," he says.

"What about it?" She asks.

"It was just like what happened to us," he says.

"Lexi I think you can predict the future," says Jace.

"What no that's impossible!" She exclaims.

"Ty, Amber, and the robots were who you were predicting about," says Will.

"Then why do I go into a seizure type thing when I'm predicting something?" She asks.

"You don't know how to control it," says the professor, "With practice you can control it."

"I'm not so sure about that," she says, "How am I.... I..... I.

She falls to the ground.

"Everyone just back away from her!" Exclaims the professor.

Everyone back away from her as she shakes on the ground uncontrollably.

She's having a vision thinks will. He grabs Hannah's hand right next to him. Lexi stops shaking and lays there still on the ground. Kyle let's go of Janet and walks slowly towards Lexi.

She opens her eyes and let's out a scream.

"Lexi!" Exclaims the professor walking towards her.

"Are you okay?" Asks Janet.

"I'm fine," she says breathing heavily.

"What did you see?" Asks the professor.

"I don't know," she says.

"Think!" Exclaims the professor.

Lexi sits there for a few seconds not saying anything.

"It was Ty and Amber. They were in this laboratory with one of us," she says.

"Who?" Asks Jace.

"I don't know. I couldn't make out the face. The person was laying on a table and gets up. Then all the sudden the next thing I see was the person helping them attack the city," she says.

"The person helps them?" Asks Will.

"Yes, she says, "One of us will turn sides."

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