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"It's this little cabin in the hill country rustic, charming, very romantic." he said closing the car door and went beside her and saw Lisbon smiling.

"Rustic as in no running water or...?" she said a little worried.

"Well, would that be a problem?" he asked calm and composed .

"Well, when you said, "Let's go away for the weekend", I was kind of hoping for the kind of place that leaves a mint on the pillow." she explained with a mild serious tone.

"Ah. Don't worry Lisbon. I have it under control. You would love it." he said and winked at her.

Lisbon shook her head and smirked to him. They continued to walk to the crime scene and Jane spoke to Cho.

"Hey, Cho. What do we have?"

Jane exposed the bank employee with one of his famous mental game. Mr. Fletcher confessed and he lead to the other rubbers. Later Cho and Vega found them in a local restaurant and they arrested them without problems. Jane and Lisbon interrogated them and got a confession. Until late evening the case was closed.

Jane was sitting comfy at his couch drinking his tea from his teacup. He felt wonderful with his old teacup back. He loved it and it meant a lot for him. It had crazy things in his heart. Lisbon glued the pieces back together perfectly like she did to him all these years. She made him human again.

After the lost of his wife and daughter he felt empty. Without a reason to exist unless his vengeance with Red John. She stood to his side like a true friend not like his boss and supported him even in his craziest days. They had created a so strong bond which led to something deeper for both of them.

He was grateful for meeting her. It was the best thing it had ever happened to him. She was his little savior. His angel. He would spent a lifetime to her side trying to be worthy of her love. He would never take her for granted again. He learnt from his mistakes. he was a new man now and he was looking forward for the future with her in his side.

He lifted his cup and took some sips from his tea watching her filling the last sheets of paperwork. She wanted to finish everything before they left for their trip. He found himself unable to sit calmly in his position. He was looking forward to this trip, to spent some time with her alone. He putted his left hand in his pocket to find a small box. He closed his eyes for a while scared about her reaction and answer. He was finally ready to take the last step in their relationship. He was ready to take off his wedding ring in front of her showing her his dedication to their relationship.

He hated she had doubts about his feeling to her. She never mentioned the subject about his ring knowing the meaning it had to him and not wanting to put him in a difficult, awkward position. She ignored the looks of some strangers when they saw them together. Sometimes they looked obnoxious at her thinking she was his mistress and he was cheating his wife with her. Lisbon seemed to ignored them but he knew it made her sad sometimes and embarrassing. He wanted to commit to her and never make her doubt about it again.

He putted his teacup in the small table beside the couch and stood up and walked to her. He stoop to her ear and said:

"Are you ready to leave or do you have more paperwork to catch up?"

Lisbon pushed the last sheet away and smiling she looked at him.

"No. I just finish. Are you ready to leave?"

"Yeah. I will wait you down to your car. Take your bag and come." he said and gave her fast a peck and left whistling.

Lisbon shook her head unable to clear her smile from her mouth. She took her jacket and bag and said goodbye to Cho and Wylie who were still here.

She made her way to downstairs and found Jane leaning against the driver door. She requited the smile and went in front of him. He pulled her in a kiss bringing her body closer to his. Lisbon kissed him back and she broke the kiss and opened the car door. Jane followed her getting in the front passenger seat and left from FBI.

"So what are your plans about our trip? Do you mind to share? " She asked with a gentle tone.

"Well as you already know, we will have to take the airstream to go there. It's a little far but it worth all the driving. If we start tomorrow morning we will have arrived till evening. "

"Oh come on Jane. Tell me where we will go. I'm dying from curiosity. " she scowled.

Jane exhaled lightly and spoke:

"No, I want to be a surprise. Let's go to prepare your bag in your house and sleep. I need to be rest to drive tomorrow."

"And you say I'm stubborn." she said sarcastically.

Jane rolled his eyes and said

"Where will be the mystery if you knew everything? Let me spoil you a little Reese."

Jane took her hand and kissed it softly caressing it with his thumb.

They made small chat to the rest of the journey to Lisbon's house. Jane made dinner that night while Lisbon prepared her bag for their journey. She chose carefully her underwear ,throwing inside some new she had bought the previous week and a new dress. She smiled secrecy imagining Jane's reaction to them.

They ate watching a movie cuddling in the couch. Lisbon bored soon the movie and she started to kiss Jane. The kiss became more passionate and hungry and Jane turn her around until her back was on the couch with him above her. He took his time slowly and sweet to make love to her. When they finished and catch their breaths, he carried her to the bed and they slept peacefully in each other arms.

Next day they woke up and after a big breakfast they left the house and made their way to the airstream. Jane sat at the driver seat and Lisbon beside him. Happily Jane started the way to their journey.

Author's note: This story is going to be some chapters.  Reviews are always appreciate.A big thanks to Skyrezo about her encouragement and ideas about this story.

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