The light

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Author's note: I'm sorry about the big delay. My life is a messy this time. I hope you like it. This story comes to the end. I began a new one. Give it a shot :)

Lisbon stayed with Rufus on the house while Jane went to the local pet shop to buy dog supplies. The dog was sitting on her lap with a expression of happiness on his face. Lisbon scratched Rufus gentle behind the ear and she smiled at him.

When Jane return some hours later, Rufus ran to Jane shaking his tail. Jane stoop to caress him on the head and the dog left him a few seconds later satisfied.

"Hey, Did you have a good time with this little monster?" Jane asked cheerful letting down on the kitchen table the two bags.

"Yeah, he is a sweetie. I clean him and then we stayed on the couch playing. How did it go? Did you find anything?" she respond curious.

"I found a shop. I spoke with the employer there who helped me pick the right things. He also gave me the number of a vet. I think we should take Rufus to him to be examined. " Jane replied and opened the bags and started to pull out the pet's supplies.

"He was right. Rufus seems fine but he is small and we found him on the woods. He must be vaccinated too."

"Okay, I will take him to the vet on the afternoon." Jane said and gave her a peck on her lips.

"Alone? I want to come too." Lisbon respond with a sad voice.

"No. His office may be filled with bacteria. I don't want you around it. " Jane replied serious.

"But I will be bored alone." Lisbon argued with a low voice.

"I know but it's for the best. I'm not going to change my mind Teresa."

"Fine. But come back fast. "

"Of course." Jane said smiling to her. "What do you have? You seem a little weird." Jane continued worried.

"We had to leave tomorrow and it makes me a little sad. I like it here." Lisbon respond softly.

Jane moved around the counter and pull her in a tight hug. "I know. I feel it too. We have a good time here but we must return to the reality. We can come back whenever you want it."

"I would like it." Lisbon respond smiling.

Early at the afternoon Jane left with Rufus to the vet. Lisbon stayed behind with a groan of defeat. She watched television and tried to read a book but it seemed aimlessness. It was their last night here and she decided to spent it special. She went to the bathroom and took a long warm bath and putted her favorite body lotion. She knew Jane loved it and she grinned in the thought. She chose to wear her new underwear and a simple dress. She fixed her hair and applied some make-up on her face. When she was finished she went to the living and waited impatience for Jane to return.

Jane arrived with Rufus an half hour later. While they entered the cabin Rufus ran to his bed and curled to sleep. Jane stayed unmoved at the door staring at Lisbon.

"You seem amazing. " Jane said astonishment and went closer.

"Thank you. How did it go to the vet?" Lisbon respond blushing a little and smiling to him .

"very good. He said Rufus is completely healthy. Why did you do it all these? Not that I'm complaining, you looked fabulous." Jane said and his eyes raked over her.

"It's our night here. I want to be memorable." Lisbon replied softy.

"And what do you have in mind?" Jane asked putting his arms around her and began to kiss her on her neck and shoulders.

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