hurt and comfort

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"What?" Jane asked disbelief feeling his anger to flow away and the panic raised up.

"I need to think some things about our relationship." Lisbon respond trying to compose herself.

"No, you don't need to think anything. You need to tell me what's going on. " he respond anxiously standing in from of her.

"What do you want me to say Jane?" Lisbon said tearfully.

"Tell me what I did you and you are so upset. I thought we were having a nice time but when I started to talk about my ring, you made like you were attacked or something. You ran away Lisbon and I want the reason." he snapped.

"Why did you tell me about your ring Jane?"

"I wanted to put it out. I knew it upsets you and I'm ready to move on. With you." he said softly.

"Move on? After all these months we are together, you are ready now?" she asked a little aggressive.

"The truth is I forgot I am still wearing it. For me it is a habit. It didn't cross my mind until Pete spoke to me about it." Jane said serious and spoke again more calm this time "I didn't want to upset you or hurt you Lisbon. I want us."

"Then why are you doing it Jane? Why are you always hurt me? " Lisbon said and tears started to drop from her eyes.

"I don't understand Lisbon."

"You say you love me and you want me happy. Then why did you hurt me Jane?"

"I never hurt you Lisbon. And your happiness is the most important thing to me."

"You think you never hurt me? You hurt me all these years Jane. With your lies, your disappears and every time you let me out."

"But I had to do them Lisbon. Red John..."

"Screw him. You kept doing them after him."

"No. I didn't..."

"Oh you think different. Let me remind you then. First your little disappear in New York."

"I did it because I wanted to work with you. It was the only way."

"But you didn't tell me again Jane. You assumed I would be fine later when you would explain but you didn't think how I felt when you were gone. " she hissed and continued "Second your little date with that blond murderer. You walked around me with a triumph face showing her number or planned your date in front of me. You had the nerve to ask me about your shirt. "

"It did it only about the case. And I wanted to make you a little jealous."

"In the end yes I knew it. You always enjoy to play with my emotions."

"No. I hate to see you in pain. Especially by me fault. I did it to see your reaction. I needed to learn if you were still in love with me."

"You could have asked me. But NOOO. That would be so boring. And I had to deal with Fischer's questions about her and you. "

"I'm sorry Lisbon. I didn't think of it." Jane said with tears too. "But I'm here with you. I want only you."

"For how long Jane? "

"For ever Lisbon. I'm here for good. There is nowhere else I want to be except with you. "

"Not even your little island with Fischer?" she snapped and Jane froze.

"What are you talking about?" Jane asked frowning.

"I know what happened between you and Fischer on the island."

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