breakfast in bed and accident

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warning sex scene. I couldn't resist. :)You can skip it if you want.

Lisbon woke up to find herself be wrapped by Jane holding her closer. She smiled at the memories of the previous night. His surprise on the woods, their dinner, his wedding proposal, their dance, the love they made there in the forest. She felt incredible happy.

They were both naked on their bed and her back touched Jane's bare chest. From his breathing, Lisbon knew he was still sleeping deep. She extracted herself from him, being carefully not to wake him up. She stood up and stretched heading to the bathroom.

Lisbon brushed her teeth and made a hot shower. When she was finished Jane hasn't woke up yet and Lisbon went to the kitchen to prepare breakfast.

Grabbing the coffee and the tea from the cabinet, she started the coffee maker and she putted the kettle on the stone. She opened the fringe and took some eggs and began to cook. After finishing the breakfast, she placed it all on a tray and made her way to the bedroom.

Lisbon set the tray on the bedside table and she started to shake Jane to wake up.


"Mmm" Jane murmured and he snuggled in the covers.

"I brought you breakfast in bed. Wake up sleepyhead before they will be cold." Lisbon said gentle and started to kiss him softly on his face.

"I prefer to have you back in bed." Jane said and moved his arms around her to bring her closer.

Lisbon giggled and pressed her lips on his. Jane's hand moved to her face caressing her tender cheeks while his tongue slid against her lips, begging to open and let him in.

Lisbon opened for him and Jane's hand move from her back over her ass squeezing them lightly.

They broke for air and Jane's lips moved to her neck biting and tasting her with his tongue. Lisbon shuddered against him, powerless to do anything.

Then suddenly she moved away from him and Jane groaned with disappointment.

"If you are good, maybe we could do that later. Now, open your eyes and sit for breakfast."

Jane opened his eyes and smiled at her. He made himself comfy against the bed board.

"You are wearing my shirt." he said grinning.

"Well. I needed something to wear while I was cooking." she said smiling and placed the tray on his feet.

"It looks hot on you. But I'm afraid it has to go away. if I'm naked, so do you my dear." he respond

Lisbon chuckled and open some buttons but she didn't remove it. She offered him the first bite of the eggs and he took it grateful.

They continued to eat and teased each other. When they both were full, Lisbon placed the tray again on the bedside table and with a gasp she was lying next to Jane .

Lisbon grabbed Jane's face between her hands and pushed him down for a kiss. Jane's hands moved to the shirt and he opened the last buttons pushing it out ,running his hands on her bare skin.

He broke the kiss and looked up at his fiancé. He could see in her eyes her love for him and the happiness and he was sure she was a reflect of him.

"What?" she asked grinning.

"I'm enjoying the view." Jane respond as he stroked her hair.

"Yeah, right." she said and rolled her eyes. "Have you plan anything for today?"

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