Happily ever after

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Jane was lying on the bed and stroked Lisbon's hair. He couldn't stop smiling.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Lisbon asked. "Go, back to sleep." Lisbon murmured and she fall asleep immediately.

Jane stayed awake for some minutes and continued to watch her and he slept smiling having his hand on her stomach.

Lisbon woke up in the morning and realized that Jane was still asleep. She kissed fondly Jane on his lips and got out of the bed. The room was a mess and Lisbon let a sign of sadness at the thought of the departure. She walked slowly to the bathroom and looked in the mirror thinking their last days there.

Lisbon was taking a shower when she was grabbed by Jane and pushed on the wall.

"Patrick" Lisbon said.

"You should have woken me up. I didn't like to find the bed empty." Jane said and began kissing Lisbon's bare skin.

"I didn't want to wake you up. You looked peaceful. And sexy." Lisbon respond smiling.

"Well, you looked breathtaking too, my dear." Jane said and his hands traveled down her body as he continued his kisses.

Lisbon turned off the shower and pulled Jane into their room and they climbed on the bed. Lisbon started kissing Jane's wet body and whispered.

"You make me crazy."

"I can do it forever. Make me everything you want." Jane respond with a hoarsely voice.

"Make love in the morning?" Lisbon questioned him.

"Yup. Every day." Jane told her and turned her underneath him on her back.

"We will be late in work then." Lisbon replied laughing.

"It won't be the first time." Jane remarked and saw Lisbon blushing.

"I know. But we shouldn't. "

"You have to learn to live with it Teresa." Jane respond seductive.

"Meh, a few minutes late won't be a big problem I guess. It's not like you can do better in your age." Lisbon provoked him.

"You got yourself in trouble Miss. " Jane respond serious and kissed her madness.

Their kisses were warm and passionate and Lisbon wrapped her arms around Jane's neck. They made love that morning forgetting everything else.

"What?" Jane asked Lisbon lying on his back with Lisbon in his embrace facing him.

"I love when you make me feel loved. When you hold me tight. When I have you in my arms." Lisbon whispered against his lips.

"I love you Teresa." Jane whispered and his lips crushed on hers. His body ached to be against her. He hold her tighter as the kiss grew deeper. He let his hands exploded her body.

"You don't know how much I dreamt about these moments with you Teresa. Years and years. Every day I was away, your face, your smile were my only companion. I never knew if I would see you again." Jane said as they broke the kiss and caressed Lisbon's face.

"I've missed you too. I liked your letter. I used to read them every night with a glass of wine." Lisbon respond and closed her eyes in his touch.

They stayed in bed for one more hour bathing in happiness, protective in each other loving arms.

When they finally got up from the bed, they picked up their things to their bags and Lisbon took Rufus for a walk. Jane went to the kitchen to prepare tea and breakfast. They ate together smiling and choosing a pleasant topic for their discussion.

Later that morning they said their goodbyes and entered the air stream for the journey to return home.

6 years later:

"Emily, wake up your brother and take Rufus with you." Lisbon shout and opened the door of the air stream and took a big breath of air.

"Can I have a little help?" Jane asked Lisbon gentle.

Lisbon went to his side and took a bag from his hands before she gave him a kiss on his lips.

"What was that for? " Jane asked her smiling.

"For bringing me back here. In Colorado after all these years. We built good memories here."

"Yeah, we did. And we will build more with our family now." Jane respond smiling.

They made their way to the old but familiar cabin. Emily and Daniel ran to the lake with Rufus with them barking and shaking his tail happily.

It was a beautiful warm sunny day and Lisbon watched them laughing for the porch. Jane went behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist.

"Do you want to know something?" Jane whispered sweet in her ear.

"What?" Lisbon asked him melting in his embrace.

"I'm happy." he stated and kissed her hair.

"Me too." Lisbon murmured relaxing against him.

And despite the past, all what mattered was that they were together. Peace settled over their souls like a warm comfortable blanket. Their life was perfect.

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