hospital and news

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Jane waited in the waiting room for two hours until a nurse came and talked to him.

"Mr. Jane, are you here for Mrs. Lisbon right?" she said polite.

"Yes, how is she? Can I see her?" Jane asked anxiety.

"She has started to wake up. I will take you in her and her doctor will come soon to inform you about. I don't have any information about her situation." she explained softly. "Please follow me." she spoke and she lead him in a room down the hall.

When Jane saw Lisbon went instantly at her side sitting gentle on the bed. His hand took carefully her hand, pulling it into his chest. He looked at her and he felt all the his love for her. Lisbon opened slowly her eyes and she smiled when she saw him.

"Hey." she whispered and she curled her fingers into his.

"Hey you. How are you feeling?" Jane asked gentle.

"Tired, dizzy. What did it happen?"

"You fall down for your horse. You passed out and I called an ambulance." Jane respond calm.

"I'm sorry. I must scary you." she said sweet.

"I was scared. You had blood in your head Teresa. I thought I would lose you." Jane said and exhaled heavily.

"I'm here Jane. Stop worrying now, okay? I promise I will be fine." Lisbon respond serious.

"You are the one who is hurt and you worry about me." he chuckled.

"It's my responsibility to take care of you. " Lisbon respond smiling.

"And my responsibility is your well health and happiness. But now you must think about yourself and stop thinking about me." he respond serious.

"Only if you promise me to stay away from troubles and stay here beside me." she whispered, her voice warm and deep.

"Of course Teresa. I won't leave your side for anything." Jane whispered back smiling.

Jane touched his lips to hers, just a peck and he lifted his hand to stroke her cheek.

A little later her doctor came. He was a man in his fifties.

"Mrs. Lisbon, good to see you awake. I'm Dr Mills. How are you feeling?" he asked serious.

"Fine. a little tired only." Lisbon replied

"That is logically. I'm sorry. who are you?" he asked looking at you.

"He is my fiancé Patrick." Lisbon spoke before Jane and he couldn't hide his grin when he heard her calling him as her fiancé.

"Okay, you were a very lucky Mrs. Lisbon. You didn't break anything, your wounds aren't deep. You will be fine and soon. I suggest you to stay in bed rest today and a massage treatment would be good for your back and neck." He spoke looking at her medical tests on his hands.

"What about the blood in her head? Wasn't it serious?" Jane asked worried.

"No, it was just a wound. Her collapse was from the shock of her falling. " Dr Mills explained softly. "They are both very well."

Jane relieved at the news and after a second had a concerned expression.

"Both?" he asked puzzled.

"Yes. Mrs. Lisbon and the baby." he replied serious.

Jane looked at Lisbon who had a shock expression on her face.

"Baby?" she asked lightly.

"Yes. You are six weeks pregnant. I thought you knew but it seems I was mistaken." Dr Mills said composed.

"I am?" Lisbon asked tearfully. Dr Mills nodded and she lifted her head and looked at Jane who had a huge grin on his face and he was looking at her with love and affection.

"Our gynecologist will come and make an ultrasound just to be sure that everything is completely fine. I don't have anything else to say. Have a good day." he said polite and left.

Lisbon's hand was stroking her belly and Jane's hand covered it. Lisbon was smiling, looking so beautiful and adorable Jane's heart filled with love and warm. He was excited to be a father again and he couldn't keep away his large smile from his face.

Soon the doctor came and she gave them all the information the needed. When they were ready Lisbon lifted her shirt and the doctor applied some jelly in Lisbon's belly. The doctor grabbed the monitor and turned on the screen.

"Alright, this is your baby..." the doctor said and gave them some moments.

Jane and Lisbon kept their attention to the screen, their faces glowing from happiness and bliss and tears of joy ran down to their cheeks.

"Oh my god... That's our baby Jane." Lisbon whispered with a heavily voice.

"Yes, our baby. " Jane confirmed and grinned at her.

The doctor pushed some button and a thumping noise started.

"Is that the baby's heart?" Lisbon asked curiously.

"Yes. You were lucky this time. Your blood pressure is good and his heart beat is strong." the doctor explained gentle.

"Thanks god." Lisbon respond.

"Do you want a picture of the ultrasound?" the doctor asked and Lisbon nodded.

"Thanks, that would be fantastic. Can we have two copies?" Jane asked softly.

"Of course. I'll go to prepare them before you leave. " the doctor said casual and left the room.

Jane looked down at his beautiful fiancé and he knew she was going to be the best mother in the world. Lisbon was the love of his life and with their on the way, baby he would do his best to not blow away this second chance.

Jane leaned down and kissed Lisbon gentle.

"I love you Teresa." he said as he looked at her shining emerald eyes.

"I love you too." Lisbon whispered and kissed him again.


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