The proposal

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Finally the proposal. Not warnings this time. Please tell me your opinion. It was difficult for me to write this chapter.

Jane waited Lisbon back to the cabin. After their little encounter at the spa he left and went back and took a cold shower. Lisbon stayed behind for her last appointment and she would be back any time soon.

Jane was a little anxious about tonight. He had prepared everything but he was afraid about Lisbon's reaction and answer to his wedding proposal. He found himself to tremble a little and he took a big breath to gain his control.

By the time he was ready the door opened and Lisbon got in smiling to him. She approached him and gave him a small kiss on his lips before she spoke:

"Hey. I see you clean up nicely." and stroked his jacket.

"I'm happy you approve." he said grinning and his eyes drunk her whole. Lisbon wore a emerald dress which fitted perfect with her eyes. Lisbon saw for a moment Jane's unmistakable desire in his eyes and her smile became bigger.

"You look absolutely beautiful tonight my dear. I think we should go Lisbon before things went out of my hands .

He closed the door and offered her his arm. They made a few steps before Jane stopped and turned to face her.

"Do you trust me Teresa?" he asked calm and compose.

"Of course Jane." Lisbon respond and turned her head to the side. "Why?"

Jane putted him hand in his pocket and pulled out a headscarf.

"Really Jane?" Lisbon laughed

"I want to be a surprise. Please Lisbon. I worked hard for it." Jane explained with plain voice making his famous puppy face.

Lisbon rolled her eyes and when she saw the glimpse of hope in his eyes she nodded with a groan.

Jane covered her eyes with the headscarf and gave her a kiss on her cheek whispering 'Thank you'.

Lisbon was blindfolded now and Jane's hand tightly as he led her to his surprise.

"A few minutes later Lisbon became impatient and spoke:

"Are we close?"

"Just a little more." and he continued pushed her in the woods. His heart was racing fast in his chest and Lisbon felt he was nervous.

After a while they stopped and Jane removed slowly the fabric from her eyes and Lisbon blinked her eyes to the sudden light after the dark.

Her eyes scanned the surroundings and she turned her gaze to Jane. They were in the forest and in front of her was a small table with two chairs. From the trees were hanging fairy lights and small lanterns were around them on the ground.

Her heart skipped a beat and butterflies fluttered in her stomach. She turned toward him and her eyes shining happily.

"You did all this for me?" she asked with a voice break from her emotions.

Jane nodded and stroked her cheek lovingly. Lisbon glowed to him and gave him a hug. Jane's arms went around her, bringing her closer to him. Lisbon kissed him softly on his neck and shoulder and Jane broke the hug.

"Shall we begin?" he asked and walked to the table. Lisbon followed and sat to her chair watching Jane who started the radio and soft romantic music began to play softly.

They started small talk and Jane filled their glasses with wine and served their dinner. Lisbon was relax and laughed all the time as they enjoyed their dinner.

"Stop looking me like this." Lisbon said casual

"Why? I like looking at you. We are out to dinner. Who else am I supposed to look at? We are alone." Jane respond softly.

He knew he was staring at her but he couldn't control himself. She look break-taking gorgeous under the moonlight. He looked at her and he could bath in her beauty. He would never be tired to look at her.

"Do you know the myth of Plato Lisbon?" he asked softly.

"No. What did it say?" she respond curious.

"2,500 thousand years before Plato tried to explain the mystery of human nature called Love and he wrote the famous symposium. The myth of Aristophanes was to explain the human nature and their adventures . It goes like this: At the beginning of time, people were spheroids beings with 2 faces, 2 genitals and 8 edges. When they wanted to run, they went like wheels. The creatures were so strong ,the gods scared them and Zeus decided to tear them up in half with a lightning. The pieces are called sines. Since then according to the myth of Plato people are half. Sines that trying to complete to their initial unity on searching of their other half. Our lust for the entire and our momentum to return to our primitive nature uniting the two half within an entire named Eros."

"That's beautiful Jane. Why did you story it to me?"

"Because I feel whole with you. There is nothing I want more or make me happier than you. You are my other half Teresa."

Lisbon felt tears in her eyes and took his hand to her on the table, stroking gentle his palm with her thumb.

"And you are my other half Patrick. The love of my life. Never doubt it."

Jane swallowed staring at her putting all his love on his face. She was perfect and after all the horrible things he did to her, she loved him. He didn't deserve her but he would spend every moment to be worthy of her. He smiled to her and stood up and kneed in front of her.

Tears filled their eyes and he pulled out a small red velvet box. Lisbon's breath caught on her lungs and watched Jane took the ring out of the box. His hands were shaking lightly and he spoke with a heavy voice his eyes pinned to hers.

"Teresa Lisbon, I want to spend the rest of my life at you side. I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?"

Lisbon nodded her head, tears were streaming down her face. "Yes. Of course I'll marry you."

Jane let out a breath of relief and he slid the ring on her finger. He kissed it smooth and he looked at Lisbon with a huge grin and a tear of happiness escaped from his eye.

Lisbon rested her forehead against Jane, her arms around his neck.

"I love you Jane." Lisbon whispered

"I love you too." Jane respond and closed his eyes.

He raised his hands and caught her face, caressing softly her skin. His lips covered hers and happiness overwhelming him.

Peace and love filled their souls like a warm blanket. Their life was finally perfect.


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