shopping and kayak

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Warning sex scene. You can skip it If you want

Lisbon wrapped herself around her wet body a bath towel. She went to the mirror and she wiped the condensed steam. She stared at her reflection. She looked a little tired but her whole face glowed from happiness.

Then she realized the small hickey on her neck. She grinned at her reflection on her mirror when she remembered their little account previous this morning. She remembered their kisses, their touches.

The previous night was so intense, all the hidden emotions and fears had hit her. She was a little mad with herself causing all these scenes but most of all because of Jane's hurt and guilt.

Tears filled her eyes at the reminder of his ring. She knew how hard and painful was for him. Her hand went to her neck touching her necklace. Next to her cross Jane's ring shining in the light of the sun.

She felt loved, saved, home. The last night had been some kind of catharsis between them. All their bottled up emotions finally freed. Nothing could hold them back now. Nothing could hurt them again. Now they were together.

She grinned and she slipped out of the bathroom. Jane wasn't on the bed but she heard moves from the living room. She headed to the dresser and pull out some clothes.

Lisbon felt a pair of familiar arms encircled her waist and her grin deepened.

"You smell gorgeous." Jane said taking a big breath from her hair and buried his nose there. "Did the shower make you feel better?"

"Not quite" Lisbon respond wrapping her arms over his. "You made me."

Lisbon felt Jane's smile as he buried his head in her neck. "Good, because I'm afraid you are stuck with me."

Lisbon turned around slowly and smiled as she wrapped her arms around his neck. Jane kissed her nose and Lisbon giggled.

"What?" he asked rubbing her back.

"What is this in my neck Jane?" She said calm.

"Well..." he sighed and spoke again "A little proof of love."

Lisbon rolled her eyes and spoke:

"Yeah? Don't get any ideas about giving me small proofs of love when we'll return to work. " She said serious.

"But... you looked adorable. " Jane said grinning.

"I don't care. As far I can cover them with clothes it will be fine. " she respond softly

Jane's eyes Shinned and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

"Do you know how much time I was dreaming these moments? " he said with a rusty voice.

"The same was for me too Jane. Every night you were gone. I never knew if I would see you again." she said with a voice full of emotions. "I love you Patrick Jane."

"God, I love you too Teresa. More than everything." he whispered against her lips. "You are my soul-mate. My beautiful angel. "

Lisbon pressed her lips to his, pulling him tightly against her. Their kiss grew deeper and more passionate. Lisbon still couldn't believe he was hers. She thought she would wake up from a dream and she will find herself alone in her bed.

Jane kissed her again and again. Her lips tasted so sweet and innocent. Inside of him a million emotions ignited.

They parted for air and Jane smiled softly. He kissed her again with passion and he felt like dying from happiness. Lisbon moaned from pleasure and rubbed her breasts to his chest. Jane groaned and Lisbon's towel dropped to the floor.

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