Chapter 21 - Epilouge

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Hello! Yes, this is the Epilogue. I'm sorry. But I'm proud of myself- I actually managed to write a long fanfic and end it. Here ya go - Queen of Winter, the Epilouge!

The first snow fell.
Tiny snowflakes danced down upon my shoulders, and didn't melt- They, in fact, settled down where they were, on my ice dress. I was frozen on the bench I sat on, admiring the snow. Anna had been with me three hours ago when it started to snow, but now she was inside with Kristoff.
Kristoff had found his family- His mother and his sister. His father had died three years back. He'd spent one month with them until returning to Arendelle, and then in November, he'd travelled to them again with Anna- They had returned after two weeks, which was yesterday.
Jack had been here every weekend for one month, actually, until he didn't come in three weeks and showed up one week ago, saying he'd been fighting with a sun guardian about preventing the glaciers from melting- Oh well. Now I was eagerly waiting for him to return, because if the snow fell in Arendelle, he should be here, right?
I stood up and stretched before I walked around in the park a bit. Then I laid down in the snow, sighing. When would Jack come?

My question was soon answered by a flying-through-the-wind-sound and Jack looked down at me.
"Good day, milady," he greeted with a wonderful smile.
"Or good evening, if you look at the time," I replied. Jack laid down beside me and intertwined his fingers with mine. He placed a soft kiss on my knuckles before asking me, "How are you?"
"I'm fine," I answered. "It's the first time in years I really experience the first snow in the right way- With Anna, and Kristoff, and you."
"Okay. How are the nightmares?"
"They're getting better all the time."
"I'm going to talk with Pitch about this..."
"The nightmares?"
Jack nodded.
"You said it yourself, Jackson, if you're not afraid he can't hurt you. And I guess I'm still afraid..." I sighed. "But as I said, it's getting better. The fears are still there, but I'm less afraid every day. I believe that I can get well."
"And I'm helping you, and you are helping me."
"With what?"
Jack shrugged. "I'm less lonely now I guess, I have something more to do."
I nodded, and planted a soft kiss on his lips.

One hour later I was with Jack, Kristoff and Anna in the library. Me and Anna were cooped up in the sofa, drinking hot chocolate, while Kristoff read a book in an armchair and Jack was laying in front of the fireplace. But now he stood up and said, "I'm gonna go upstairs. To, sleep."
"Since when do you sleep?" I asked.
"Sometimes. You have comfy beds here, so, I'm just gonna go..." He kissed my forehead, took his staff and ran out of the room.
"Where is he going to sleep?" I asked confused, and Anna laughed.
"Never mind, as I was saying, do you play the piano?" Anna asked.
"Um, yeah. Do you?"
"Yep, I had Erik- you know, the teacher with the long robes and glasses- five days a week."
"I also had Erik...from when I was five to eight, afterwards I just got books. It's been a long time."
"Maybe you should take lessons again?" Anna asked, and I shrugged.
"I've played the chapel organ," Anna said excitedly.
"Really? The one with four sets of piano-things and buttons?"
"M-hm, lots of them, and you play with your feet too, there's feet-things."
"Princess Anna the organist.." I laughed.

I woke up as the sun rose. I stretched my arms across the bed and suddenly felt something next to me, was Short, soft hair. I turned my head and opened my eyes. There was Jack, sleeping deeply. He looked so peaceful that I didn't wake him and ask him to get up like I used to do. I instead dressed and went down for breakfast.
"Morning, Anna," I said and sat down. "Where's Kristoff?"
"In the stables, as usual."
"Well, Jack is in my bed."
Anna looked up at me.
"When I went up last night he was just sleeping there so I went to bed."
"Jeeeelsa," Anna mumbled and took a bite of her sandwich.
"ELSA?" I heard from upstairs. "What is he up to now?" I sighed and walked out.

Upstairs, Jack stood at the window.
"You're going again, aren't you?" I said.
"I really want to...or need to..." Jack smiled apologetically.
"Okay, okay, I get it," I said and went up to him. "Life of a guardian."
Jack leaned in and kissed me deeply. I was once again filled with such a happy, wonderful feeling. Jack opened the window and jumped up on the windowsill.
"Wait!" I exclaimed when he was going to take off. "I love you."
Jack smiled a smile made of a thousand frost covered rainbows. "I love you, too," he said, "Goodbye, Queen of winter."
"Queen of Winter," I dreamily replied as I walked out of the room.

At a window in the hall stands Anna, waiting for me. She looks at the falling snow, a happy smile on her face. "Elsa?" She turns to me as I stand next to her. "Do you want to build a snowman?"
"I'd love to," I answer. I can read her thoughts at once- Her dreams have finally come true, the paradise has become reality. I take her hand and we look out through the window. People are happily skating in the castle courtyard, the gates are wide open, and in the sky Jack is flying further and further away until all we see is a small spot.
All is right in Arendelle.

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