Chapter 6 - Frost

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I walked through my palace. It had an enormous entrance and a giant round hall, so there weren't many other rooms.
I wondered how I should get food, but I thought that it should wait, because I was really tired. I went up the stairs that led to the highest point of the palace. I stopped at the top step and gasped. I was in a room that rested on a huge shining platform, and the walls consisted of many layers of thin ice which made the room look bigger then it actually was. The reflection of the ice created a magical purple-blueish light, and in the middle of the room there was a canopy bed, the ice drapes of which reached all the way up to the middle of the dome-shaped ceiling. I walked to the middle of the room, amazed of what I had created. I turned to the right and looked at the big thin ice wall that like a window parted the bedroom from the room halfway down. I could now see the whole chandelier that was held in place by a single spire.
Suddenly I felt a paralysing tiredness spread through my body. Everything I had experienced during this long day came back to me and I sat down on the bed. I closed my eyes and remembered memories from the coronation, the escape and the creation of the ice palace. Slowly I laid down on the bed, rested my head on the pillow and sunk into a deep sleep.

I was walking in the castle gardens. I enjoyed the sun on my face and the soft green grass under my feet. A young woman came running from behind a tree. She was very sweet, with freckles on her cheeks, turquoise eyes, and strawberry blonde hair that was braided in pigtails. She had a green dress.
"Are you coming Elsa?" She said with a smile and went forward. We were alike and still not - I had platinum blonde hair, pale skin, and were longer and more slender than Anna. But we both had big blueish -turquoise eyes, pointy noses, small lips and round cheeks. She reached out her hand. When I took it her skin was covered with frost. And I fell into darkness.

The next thing I saw was a young man with silver hair and a dark blue hoodie looking at me.
"Ah, you look beautiful when you're sleeping Elsie," he said silently.
"I do?" I asked. I still thought that I was dreaming. He looked surprised.
"You can see me again!" he exclaimed.
"Of course I can," I said. "It's a dream."
"A dream?" Jack chuckled. "No, it's not."
"No way!" I said and sat up. "I..I thought you weren't real."
"I've always been real," he said. He walked up to me and reached out his hand. I hesitated for a moment but took it and Jack pulled me up from the bed. He was cold, like me.
"So, Queen Elsa of Arendelle, huh?" Jack asked.
"No, the...Snow Queen."
"Ah, I knew you were that kind of 'bad girl!' "
"What do you mean?"
"Well, leaving the kingdom and building an ice palace on the top of a mountain..."
"Shut up!" I said playfully.
"Your powers are awesome, you just have learn how to control them."
"I already know how..?"
"Okay, tell me then."
"Just...letting it go and accepting who you are, and do what's best for others even if you have know."
"Be alone?" Jack gave me a 'really?' look and I answered with a 'really.' look.
We went downstairs and into the big round room on the second floor, where I had nothing to do, so I stared at the chandelier. It must had looked funny because Jack laughed a bit. He stayed silent for a while, but suddenly he looked up and said "Do you trust me?"
"I...I think so," I answered, "Why?"
He smiled. "Do you want to see the world?"

"Nah, maybe just Europe," Jack said as we went outside of the palace.
"The whole of Europe?" I laughed.
"So, where do you want to fly?"
"It was me who saved you from the wolves," Jack said with a smile.
"You?" I didn't have anything to say. "I'm.."
"Your welcome. We can visit Arendelle..."
"No, no," I hurried to say. "Arendelle is the least place I want to visit."
"Okidoki. Sweden perhaps?"
"Sweden it is." Jack took my hand, smiling at me. I didn't know if I should smile or not.
Suddenly I felt a strange force in my stomach, and we flew high up in the air. I gasped, gripping his arm with both of my hands. Jack just laughed at me. Higher and higher we flew, watching the north mountain grow smaller and smaller.
"How are you feeling Elsa?" Jack said loudly. I was too terrified to even answer.
Jack slowed down and we flew for a while until I nervously looked down. A smile spread on my face as I saw many wonderful things - Forests, kingdoms, markets, oceans, lakes, villages and mountains. As the sun was sinking we went back to the North Mountain. Jack placed me on the balcony and he sat down on the railing.
"That was...incredible," I exclaimed. "Thank you Jack."
Jack smiled. "Well, I'll see you some other day milady?"
"Yeah..." I started but he quickly grabbed me with the hooked end of his staff, giving me a kiss on the cheek. I backed in surprise and he laughed, leaving me blushing on the balcony, Wow. That had been wonderful, too. Like freshly fallen snow....
I think I'm in love.

Hello. That was two long weeks, huh? I'm still working on this story, remember that? My school is soon....'taking a break over christmas' if you know what I mean. I don't really know how to explain that....humhum. So I think that I'll be able to write more then. Yup. Yep. Elsa is in love, yay :)

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