Chapter 5 - Free

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I ran. I ran out of the ballroom, out of the castle, and past all the people that had started panicking when ice spread from everything I touched. The fjord froze as I ran over it and into the forest. On the other side was Anna, screaming my name. On the fjord stood someone now invisible to me. I had ran straight through him.

The forest was dark and now cold, because of my presence. I sometimes heard sounds that made me turn around and look into the shadows. I walked a bit faster.
I had walked for half an hour when I heard a noise again, louder this time. I said to myself that is probably was nothing, but the sound was heard again. Fear started climbing up my back as I saw four, maybe five pair of eyes staring at me and I realised what it was - Wolves. Five huge wolves with gritted teeth came out of the shadows. I only realised that I had to run when they attacked. I quickly turned, running as fast as my feet could carry me. But they were too fast. I started shooting ice blasts at them, but suddenly a wolf knocked me down on the ground. I let out a scream as it prepared to bite. I closed my eyes and waited for the pain to come, but instead an invisible force dragged me up in the air and out of the forest. It let go at a cliff side and I fell to the ground. For I while I lay there, gasping for air. Then I stood up and brushed the snow off my clothes. 'Pull yourself together, Elsa' I thought. I wiped away my tears and started walking up the North Mountain.

The snow shone blindingly white on the mountain. What a great first day as queen, I thought ironically to myself. The wind was howling, just as the storm I had kept inside me for so many years, telling myself to conceal my powers.
But I couldn't, even if I'd tried so hard.
Suddenly I realised something - It was no point in holding it back anymore. Everyone already knew. I pulled off my other glove and watched it fly away in the wind. And for the first time in years, I embraced my power like I should have done from the start. I explored and played with my powers, giddy like a little girl. I didn't care what the others would say, because this moment, this life, was my own. I didn't want to take care of others when I couldn't take care of myself. And my powers were oh, so powerful. I created a icy platform e to carry me high up in the air, creating a huge, marvellous ice palace. Snowflake pattens formed on the walls with a wave of my hand, glittering chandelier was created. I took of my crown. I was never going back. In the next second I threw it away, and so the sad feeling when I let my hair down in a braid and created a dress with snowflake patterns made out of ice. The sun was rising as I went out on the balcony.
I, the Snow Queen, had risen like the break of dawn. A relief, to find oneself, leave the past and build a future made out of ice. The storm could rage on - The cold never bothered me anyway.
I was finally free.

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