Chapter 8

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After school...

I told Jack that im going to the book store to buy something. But he said that he was going to walk elsa home.

So im on my own now......i guess. I walk on the streets. When someone called my name.

"Hiccup!" Someone called me.

I looked behind me and there i saw Jack. I waited for him to reach where i am right now.

When he reached where i was. I greeted him. Well, more like teased him.

"So? What's wrong bro? Did elsa tried to eat you?" I said laughing. While were walking we talked.

"Nothing. No she didnt!" He said

"So? Why didnt you walk her home?" I ask

"Umm...Your princess was there and she said that they girls need to have some 'bonding time'" he said putting a imaginary quotation on the air

"My princess?" I ask confused

"Uhh..Astrid?" He said giving me the 'As a matter of fact' look

"She's not my princess!" I said

Then he gave me that look that says 'Your lying' with both arms crossed.

"Ugh! Fine.." before i was able to finish my sentence he screamed like a fan girl.

"Yes! I knew it! I knew it! You guys are together!" He screamed.

"Wait..what?!" I ask schocked.

"You guys are together! So when did you and caroline broke up? When did you guys became official?" he ask non-stop

"Hold on. First thing's first. Caroline and i didnt broke up. Second we are not official nor dating. Were just friends." I exlained

"What?!" He screamed

"I said--" he cutt me off

"I heard what you said. But seriously? Dude. Did you knew that caroline has been cheating on you?" He said

"Thats not true." I said

"Oh it is. Try to look at this pic." He said and scroll to his picures on his phone.

After a while. We arrived at the book store. I bought all i need. Well, i also bought a book titled: "A walk to remember"

When i payed for it. We walk towards my house. On the way Jack suddenly spoke.

"Aha! Found ya!" He said amd look at me.

"Feast your eyes on this!" He said showing me a picture of Caroline and Zach. They were.......Kissing?!

Furry rushed in me.

"What is that?!" I ask furiously.

"That my friend is a proof that your girlfriend caroline is CHEATING on you." Kinda of like yelled the word cheating.

"Thats not true." I said not believing him

"Well, we'll see tomorrow. She's coming home. And we will investigate her starting tomorrow." He said

"Wanna have a bet?" i ask

"Sure bro. I bet that she's chaeting on you with her ex Zach." He said

"I bet you're wrong." I said

"And if i win. You will hug astrid for one minute." He said

"What?!" I screamed

"Then the bet is off" he said.

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