Chapter 18

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I really want to laugh hard right here, right now. She literally have no idea that i am here? I mean c'mon! Im just right behind her!

My phone was already mute so she doesn't know that i was typing.

Me : Hey, Beautiful 😉

Princess 👑 : Where are you? 😡

Me : At home. Why? 😕

Princess 👑 : What?! You tricked me?! 😠😤

Me : Trick you? What?

Haha! Oh man! Can't wait to tell Jack about this later!

Princess 👑 : Long story short, the gang said that you have a surprise for me. You even told me personally!

Me : But i texted you that it would be next week because i would be busy this week.

Princess 👑 : What?! 😰 No you didn't! 😡

After a few minutes she texted again.

Princess 👑 : Hiccup? 😓

I didn'y reply her because i climbed on the stairs on the tree. Well, it doesn't have any tree house but there is a good sleeping spot here.

When i got to my favorite spot i get a branch that i put here earlier. I texted her.

Me : Yes? Sorry, i got busy 😅.

Princess 👑 : Busy with WHO? A GIRL? YOUR GIRLFRIEND? 😠

She's jealous?! For real?! What she just texted me made my heart jump in joy.

Me : You jealous? 😶😂💓

I decided to spread the news to Jack. So i texted him.

Me : Dude! She got jealous! 😂


Yeah, he's the one who put that on my phone. Well, its Jack alright.

Me : I didn't reply for a while because i climbed the tree and i told her that i got busy and there. She just got angry!

Awesome Jack 😎 : Oh my gosh 😱, Hiccup! My bestfriend is really into you! 😍 See! I told you!! 😝

Me : Uhh. Jack? 😕

Awesome Jack 😎 : Its me, Elsa! Duhh 😑. I used Jack's phone...obviously.

Me : Ofcourse..

I broke the branch and i saw Astrid look around really scared. I didn't know that Astrid had that soft side..

Princess 👑 : Hiccup..?

Princess 👑 : Hiccup.. 😟

Princess 👑 : Hiccup! 😓

I waited 2 minutes before i text back.

Me : Yes?

Princess 👑 : Please tell me your joking.. 😓

Me : No, i am not Astrid. I really am busy because its my cousins birthday next week and were planning on giving her a surprise party.

I broke the branch again and i threw a small rock on the table so that it will make noise.


I am really freaking out right now. I mean who wont when you are about to get killed by a unkown killer?!

Well, i was just texting hiccup when i heard a noise, followed by another noise and followed by another one again.

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