Chapter 14

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I was lying on my bed when i heard someone knock. At first i just ignored it. I was too lazy to even stand up. But when the knock didn't stop. I groaned.

"Just a minute!" I said and groan.

The knocking stopped. I walk towards the door. And when i opened it i frowned. Why? I walk just to open the door and all i will get is a box? I mean, who does that?!

I step foreward again ang gt the box. I shifted my head right to left. And when i saw that no one owned the box i just shrugged.

When i closed the door. I got a text message from an unknown number. The text says :

Inside a picture holds a lot of stories. And stories are memories. Open what you have for you have to see what you shall see..

Weird. I didn't remember giving my phone number to a person who gives riddles.

I felt like i was in a movie when the main character gets a riddle and she will have a quest.

Open what you have? I repeated in my mind.

I looked at the box. Which was beside me on my bed. I put my phone down and look at the box curiously.

I took it and shook it. I heard some noise but i don't know what it is. It mad me even more curious.

I pulled the ribbon that was on top of it. Soon, it was only sa wrapper that covered the box. I scratch it out and opened the box.

There i found another box. I got it and opened it. I then saw a gold necklace. It had my name carved on it. It even had a little bit of designs.

"Autumn.." i whispered.

Just then, i heard someone throw a rock on my window. With the box and the necklace on my hand i looked outside the window.

When i sured that no one was there i went back to sit on my bed. I was looking at the necklace when someone texted me again.

Now it was a different number. The text says :

You got the first element.. Now you need to look beyond what you see. Look on what is green. And when you look up you see blue and white..

"Look beyond what you see..? What am i? Simba?" I laughed

Then i realised something. I need to go to the front yard! So i went downstairs. But this time i left the box containing the necklace inside it.

When i got outside i saw nothing new. Just our gate and our neighboor who really likes watering her plants. When she saw me she smiled and wave at me.

I just did the same thing in return. Even if she's in her late 60's she still likes gardening. His husband always go to the park with their dog.

They were are sweet couple. Their children already had their own families and so. Their left there in their house.

I really admired those kind of couples. You know, growing old together and taking care of each other?

I was in deep thoughts when i saw heather's car pulled up. Yep, she has her own car. She got out of it holding a lot of shopping bags.

She was grinning from ear to ear. I see that she had a great time at the mall. When she got near to me she greeted me.

"Hi Astrid!" She said

"Hi Heather! Looks like you had a great shopping." I said

"Oh no. These are not mine. Its for my friend's. You see my guy friend wants to ask out my girl friend. And he needed help. So, i helped him out." She explained.

"Oh i see.. Hmm. Are you sure its just your 'GUY' friend..?" I ask emphazing the word guy.

"What?! I don't have a boyfriend!" She said defensively.

"Oh really?" I ask acting suspiciously
when the truth is im laughing hard on the inside.

"Really! Now can you stop the interoggation and let me go already?" She said

"Hmm..I suppose.." i trailed off

"Whatever, Marie." She said and ran upstairs before i could react.

"How dare you call me marie?!" I shriek trying to sound pissed off.

The truth is, i don't like being called marie. I don't know. Its not like i hated it. It just sound not like me.

My phone beeped signaling me that i got a text message. I quickly opened it and read the text.

It says :

Go to your path and go where the kids always went.. There you will find your final clue.

And again.. it was from another number. Weird right?

'Where the kids went?' I thought.

Ofcourse! The park. Its where the kids go right? I mean there's a swing, sand box and all in there.

Without any hesitation i walk towards the park. As i walk i couldn't stop thinking about who are the people that texted me.

When i got there i saw no one. Strange but its fine by me. I like being alone sometimes.

I was scanning the place when i recieved another text. From a different unkown number again.

It says :

Go deeper into nature and go where the other land and the other land meets between a surface of water..

'What does that even mean?' I ask

I really didn't get what it says. I mean other land and other land meets? Because of my curiosity i replied.


Unknown : Someone who likes you 😉

Me : 😑 Your joking right?

Unknown : Nope 😊.

Me : Seriously tho. What did you mean by your text message earlier?

Unknown : Sorry ✌. But i can tell you 😊.

Me : C'mon! My curiosity is killing me! 😣

Unkown : No can do 😊.

Me : Please.. 🙏😿

Please.. 🙏😿

Please.. 🙏😿

Unknown : Okay fine! I give up! 👐

Me : Im listening..

Unkown : Go to the bridge..Now.

With that i didn't reply and rushed to the bridge im really curious abiut who is this and what it is all about.

When i got there i saw a guy wearing all black. He was turning his back at me so i can't see his face.

He must have felt my presence because he turned around and my jaw fell on the ground.

"Hello, Autumn.." He greeted me while grinning from ear to ear.

He was no other than..


This chapter is dedicated to :

ShadowSpirit020 and Mizukage2001

Tear drops on my guitar [Completed]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang