5. Clash of Beliefs

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Rina, Corey, Ian and Prisha walked along the streets of Deciel as the sun is setting. Heading to Dan's house, the shop keeper they agreed to come to dinner to.

"Say, the necklace the Disciples of Aevincere wears," Rina said pulling out a silver puzzle piece to show the others. "'It's not like none of us carries around anything similar right?"

"I'm guessing they did make the necklaces themselves though," Prisha replied. "So what they could mean is up for discussion," Prisha took a glance at another puzzle piece in his own hand. "These chosen ones of Aevincere selected the leaf symbol for these necklaces and issue them out to the members, but why?"

"Of course we're nothing like them right?" Ian asked. "I mean, they killed a whole other religious camp just the other day."

"Yes... to think, the person we're visiting is part of such a religion," Rina shared her thoughts as she pocketed the puzzle piece.

"So why do you think the Disciples of Aevincere attacked the Diviin members?" Corey asked curiously.

"It wouldn't be the first time violent conflicts occur between religions but we should stay open to possibilities before we find answers," Prisha said then asked Rina, "So how long exactly are we staying at Dan's residence?"

"Well we'll be there for long enough to get some information but..." Rina was reminded to take out her phone, set a few things on it and showed them. "I set the timer to fifteen minutes. After it rings we'll tell them we're busy and need to head off elsewhere."


So the four of them arrived and entered Dan's house. There they were also introduced to his twin brother Don who is similar in appearance but has messy black hair instead. After some gossip, Corey managed to lead the conversation to and ask Dan, "So how long have you been a Disciple of Aevincere for?"

"Oh don't tell me Dan also went on about it with you kids?" Don rolled his eyes stating his view. "They're just phonies, scams! Just like all those other religions."

"Hey you have to be a fool to still doubt them after seeing the miracles the High Disciples are capable of," Dan argued back.

"Wait! High Disciples?" Corey questioned curiously.

"Miracles?" Rina also did.

"Wow you should at least have a news update from under a rock," Dan said with disbelief. "Or are you from out of tow-"

"AAAAAAHHHHH!" A scream sounded from outside the house and Dan among other people went out to see what happened, the rest followed. It turned out there was an accident in the streets with a man down injured on the road, his right leg run over by a car.

"Oh I'm so terribly sorry it was an accident!" It seems the driver had stopped to go the man and apologized. "Someone call an ambulance!"

It was taking the ambulance a while to get there. Already certain people are going out of their house to take a look at the injured man. But before the ambulance even got there another person had arrived at the scene to treat the injured man. A portion of the crowd cheered, "It's Dominic! Thank Aevincere!"

The man they called Dominic was a little taller than six feet and well built. Half of his blonde hair was pulled back, with the fringes hanging down to be on either side of his face. He wore a long white robe with purple wispy markings on it. He also seemed to have a group of white robed people, all wearing the leaf symbolled necklace.

"That's Dominic one of the four High Disciples... no, you can even say he's the highest disciple being the closest to Aevincere," Dan whispered with the teenage guests listening intently and watching the scene. Also Rina decided to turn the timer on her phone off seeing what they could find out here.

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