7. Annoying Disciples

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"They are enemies of Aevincere!" Darren commanded the other disciples. "It is your duty to help us catch them!"

While the disciples are searching, Ian and Corey are actually hiding in one of the cubicles of the girl's bathroom. Ian laughed quietly and proudly, "Heheheh, and Rina thought Prisha was smart."

"So why are we hiding in this smelly place?" Corey asked curiously. "Is it supposed to be some kind of ritual to turn us into rats?"

"Idiot, don't you get it?" Ian answered taking a peek beneath the cubicle walls, necessary to see who entered. "With Rina and Prisha downstairs, the disciples will only be looking for guys who look like guys... remotely. They'll never look for us in the girl's bathroom where we aren't allowed."

"Who do you think is in that cubicle," Voices sounded outside startling both Ian and Corey. "They've been in there for quite a while."

"Do you think we should just ask?"

"Hey!" Some girls knocked on the door of the cubicle. "What must have you eaten last night to go for a half hour round in there?"

"No, that's an understatement. You've been in there for way too long!" The girl forced the door open and was shocked at seeing the two boys in there. "AAAAHHH! BOYS?"

"Not just any! Those are the sinners opposing Aevincere!" Her friend said as she went out to call the others. "Everyone! I found where the sinners are!"

"The girls bathroom? Those perverted scum!" One of the male disciples raged and rushed into the bathroom. "I'll go in there and teach them a lesso- OW!"

The girl kicked him out, "No boys allowed!"


Meanwhile, Rina, Prisha and Jimmy were still in the chamber with the Tree of Youth. Prisha decided to continue examining it while Rina decided to ask Jimmy, "So the other road in the tunnel leads to the prison they kept you? So is there still more we should go back to save?"

"No, I'm sadly the last," Jimmy answered in a gloomy tone. He'd rather not go deep into it and think of how all his friends have been fed to that monstrous tree.

"It's a shame the cutest boy had to be the sinner," Mera's voice sounded from the entrance of the chamber referring to Prisha. He, Rina and Jimmy turned to see her with a few more disciples. They weren't sure how Mera convinced them to come down here with her but that's not important at the moment. Mera also seen the unconscious and tied up Kageta to see he failed. "The sooner you surrender, the less painful your death."

"It's at least as painful as being fed to a man eating tree right?" Rina remarked. "Besides, aren't you the one who should consider surrendering now?"

"It's true, there's no point in asking you to surrender," Mera sighed then smirked arrogantly, confident she could take them both on. She did bring about ten disciples down here to help even if they are just normal people no match for someone who defeated Kageta, they can at least slow these intruders down a little. "You sure you still have the energy to defeat me after your fight with Kageta?"

Prisha could tell from Mera's behaviour that she fell for his trap. The phone call had convinced her that the fight against Kageta lasted longer than it really did and caused her to underestimate them. They can now use her overconfidence to their advantage. Prisha looked over to Rina wondering how she'll handle this.

"Well if that is your course of action," Rina summoned a sword in the hand in front of her then directed it at the Tree of Youth. "Then your precious fountain of youth gets it!"


Ian and Corey somehow got out of the in the bathroom with as little fatalities as possible only to come across more disciples. "There! The Sinners! Get them!"

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