9. Immortality

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"So I was right," Mera turned to see Rina giving her position away. "The cutie's friends really were hiding somewhere."

Rina just froze at the scene she witnessed. She didn't even know what to think, seeing Mera incinerating Prisha.

"Rina! He didn't give the signal!" Corey was still in the mood to remind Rina.

"How can you joke at a time like this?" Rina yelled at Corey furiously, grabbing him by the collar. "I knew having him go in alone was a bad idea from the beginning and now Prisha is dead because of you! Because we didn't act sooner!"

"Oh don't worry, you'll be with him soon enough," Mera was ready to kill her other two enemies as well before she heard something in the bushes. The next thing she knew, blood had gushed out of the many wounds opening all over her.

"Frozen Sword!" It turns out Prisha had emerged and ran across Mera with a blade made of ice. She fell to the floor in disbelief.

"How?.. The flames had swallowed you past the shield..." Mera tried to speak despite the pain. "You couldn't have dodged it..."

"That is if I was even right behind the shield to begin with," Prisha barely managed to explain. He is still trying to bear the burns from the first attack. "I structured my last Frozen Shield in a way so that it magnifies and refracts light at an angle. The flames barely missed me further in the woods from the right of the shield. By doing so I had you believe you had won and lowered your guard."

"You mentioned this forest giving you the field advantage. Ironically enough, I can only use this strategy in areas such as these where I could camouflage one division with another," Prisha finished his exposition before the pain finally overcame Mera and she was out. Prisha couldn't take much more either and was about to hit the ground before Rina got to him.

"Prisha!" She called to him relieved to see he's still alive.

"Rina you moron..." were the only words Prisha could managed before he's passed out.

"Well I guess he's reached his limit," Rina smiled. "his injuries are no where near as bad as Ian's was, so we'll be okay again in an hour. But we'll have to take care of both him and Ian."

"So until then, you better stay conscious Corey," Rina looked at Corey, but noticed he also collapsed. "Oh em gee!"

"Sorry Rina," Corey got up smiling. "When you say that it gets a little hard to resist."


That morning, Dominic went back to watch from the top of the building to look into the forest according to plan. He watched as part of it burned where Mera had discovered the rats. But now the flames seem to have stopped spreading. Has Mera finished them all already? Or is it the other way around? In case of the latter, Dominic had analyzed the area the fight was in the forest. It doesn't leave many options for them to return to town.

He decided to get back on ground to proceed into the forest. There he can wait to ambush the rats and if Mera survived he can also meet with her on her way back. Sure some disciples may have went loose back at Deciel. But they wouldn't know or have enough evidence to tell anyone about their secret.


Prisha woke up in the woods, seeing Jimmy, Corey and Rina sitting around. hE also found he was healed. But from what? He recollected the events before he passed out and his fight with Mera. Once he was fully aware again, he decided to tell Rina, "You know, if there is ever a day when I don't have to call you an idiot, you get a cookie."

Seeing the others still confuse, Prisha continued, "You had to act without my signal and giving your position away at maximum volume doesn't help you know."

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