11. Miscalculation

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"In other news, researchers were sent to take a look at some strange meteorites that crash landed in the Graman fields recently," the news reporter on the hotel television had announced. "Suspiciously enough, they have not returned. It is said that special agents will be sent to investigate the area airborne."

"Wow! What do you think those meteorites were?" Corey watched the news curiously. "Maybe they're time travelling devices by chocolates from the future made for them to back and wipe out humanity as revenge for eating them up."

"Corey, can you not leave me to check the apartment for bugs all on my own?" Rina sighed as she finished scouring the area.

"Umm guys? Lunch is ready," Ian placed the plates of fried rice on the table. "It's the perfect plan. Now the squid haired shortie will return too late and his lunch will get cold and it's his entire fault."

"Am I that fascinating of a subject?" The door to the apartment is opened to reveal that Prisha is back with some Occult Society documents. He then handed them to the others saying, "So I can explain what's on these sheets of paper right?"

"I read the options for our next mission on the way back," He continued after seeing them nod. Then handed over the documents. "Take a look for yourselves."

"Yay let's see if there's any mission that involves swimming through an acid pool," Corey took them to read it first and they passed it around while also eating.

"Hey you know, this rice isn't really too bad," Prisha said vaguely to either Rina or Corey, but still in a disinterested tone. "You might just be getting better at this."

"Umm actually..." Rina smiled and sweat dropped. "It was kind of Ian's cooking."

"What?" Prisha said in shock. "Are you trying to tell me he's more than just a complete brute?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Ian put up an annoyed expression.

"You know what's good cooking?" Corey cut in, smiling broadly. "Remember that time Rina made those chips that look normal but deep inside they're actually really burned for picnic? Then when that thief stole them and ate one while running away it it almost killed him."

"That was so cool!" Corey exclaimed asking Rina earnestly. "You have got to teach me how to do that some time!"

"Umm yeah thanks Corey," Rina sweat dropped.

"But, seeing as we all took a look at the documents and just about done eating," Rina decided to change the subject. "We can run through it together and decide which job to do next right?"

So they set it down in the center of the table and looked through. During the discussion, Rina read out Ian suggestion, "Rescue missing people from the Undead Swamp?"

"No a chance," Prisha commented grumpily. "We still haven't finished washing all our changes of clothes from the preceding mission that involved swamps."

"So what do you suggest princess," Ian frowned.

"Hmm..." Prisha looked through and pointed at another case. "How about this?"

"Investigating some secret government information?" Corey read it aloud.

"It's for an unknown client..." Ian continued on it then furiously turned to grab Prisha by the collar yelling. "You do know it's probably some criminal organization after it for no good right? It's just like you to side with them!"

"Don't touch me," Prisha shoved Ian off. "As agents of the Occult Society, we also have a job of intelligence gathering remember? If our client is part of a crime syndicate, it may also help with our research if they let something slip and we can kill two birds with one stone. Besides, The job requests must first be passed by the Occult Society council remember?"

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