13. Team Supreme

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Back at Liden, Corey led a group of its civilians across town through most of its alleyways. The people followed albeit with uncertainty, "So can we just make it clear where he's leading us?"

"He said something about a chamber of giant ants, but the doll face before said to follow him to safety," One of the people shrugged. "Something about an emergency shelter from those aliens."

Corey remembered the plan to lead them quietly and make sure they can all keep up. He looked up to see a bell tower where Prisha is at the moment. There he could see when the aliens are near and signal for these people to hide quickly and that time is now. He himself must soon fight off more of these aliens.


Prisha had just finished sounding the bell after seeing some of the creatures appearing over the horizon. The next step was for him to move to a position in town where he could ambush them. He had managed to do so and take down some of them with the Frozen Sword. He just hoped Corey is also doing well on his own.

Although most of these aliens don't pose much of a challenge, Prisha sensed a dangerous aura coming from one around him. When his eyes finally caught it, he could see a rather humanoid shape, but hulking alien at about ten foot tall. There was also a glowing red star on its chest with nine points of varying length.

It's also making some strange noise, which is likely the language of the species as the underlings now went to block different sides of the streets to prevent Prisha from escaping.

Prisha watched carefully as the hulking figure had picked out what looked like a pebble from the back of its neck and as it lifted it over its head, the pebble grew into a massive boulder over half its own size and threw it at a surprisingly high speed straight at Prisha. He managed to barely dodge one, but there was more to come.

While dodging the next few boulders with all his concentration, Prisha eventually tripped and can see no way he could move quickly enough to evade the alien's next attack. So he quickly threw his arm forward with a burst of PSI yelling, "Frozen Shield!"

But the shield can only slow down the boulder as it broke the wall apart and Prisha needed to block it, which is damaging enough to fracture his arm. It seems to be made of a rather strong mineral.

Prisha decided to analyse the boulders around him for their properties. Along with the unusual substance, he found a joint that looks like it was meant to connect to something, the neck. It seems like the mechanism involves the pebble growing a set time after being disconnected from the neck.

It seems like the hulking creature's greatest moment of weakness is when the boulder is expanding above its head. Prisha used this time to prepare an attack and wait for that moment to arrive, hopefully it won't be fast enough to defend. At the right time, Prisha blasted a ray of energy right at it, "Frozen Wind!"

Unfortunately the latter case happened with the help of the alien stepping back and drop the boulder in front of it with the help of gravity to freeze it in place of the alien itself. Now Prisha had to think of another way to fight back but as little as he'd like to be distracted at this time, he couldn't help but hear some loud roaring behind him, "Any of you pussies think you're any match FOR THE MARKSTER?"

It was Mark who bashed his way through the weaker aliens. He's dark skinned and rather bulky, about six foot and a half and has bubbly looking blonde hair. He soon walked up behind Prisha to pat him on the shoulder, "Hey long time no see huh Prish?"

"Oww!" Prisha's arm was still injured and Mark wasn't making it much better. Prisha just frowned at him.

"Sorry about that, guess THE MARKSTER needs to watch his own strength huh," Mark scratched the back of his head. But then he got knocked back by a giant boulder from the side. Mark was durable enough to get up from it however and after looking around, his eyes met the hulking alien and smirked, "So this is the guy you were having trouble with eh Prish?"

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