Sweden x Finland

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Part 1
Chapter dedicated to FandomHeavenAndFics I got the idea from that person, I just love the idea of Sealand being Sweden and Finland's kid it's so adorable❤️ and they also have an amazing SuFin one shot book as well! Go read it!!!
Disclaimer: I don't own Hetalia or the characters! That's all owned by

The first few chapters will be cringey so feel free to skip them, I promise it gets better!  - Author]

Finland's POV

"I'm home!" I yell as I close the front door and put the groceries down. Rubbing my sore arms I place the car keys on the key rack on the hook that was labeled 'Car Keys' and place my house key on the hook labeled 'House Keys'

As you can tell so far Sweden was very neat and organized down to every last drawer. I smiled at the memory of first moving into this house. The first thing Su did was bring out a notepad and walked through the house cataloging every single thing in the house then making lists of what to put in them or where to move them, it was very funny and I chuckled to myself.

Speaking of which the house was extremely quiet. I looked around alarmed, quickly taking my boots off and throwing my jacket to the ground.

"Su? Sea-kun?" I whispered because if I yelled Denmark next door would probably rush into our house alarmed and drag all the snow and dirt from outside and accidentally bring it into our house, which would most likely make Su mad. And I am still a little wary of a mad Sweden. Though once he sees me he calms down a bit because he knows it makes me a bit scared.

As I continue my search I walk down the hallway when I finally hear a 'CLANG' of a metal bowl and a whimper.
'Sea-kun!' I think to myself and start running down the hall until I hear the whimpering stop. I open the door at the end of the hallway to reveal Sealand sitting on the ground in Sweden's arms. I smile. Upon hearing the door open Sweden looks up at me and smiles as much as he can. Which doesn't result in a smile really, it was more of a really faint grin, but at least he's trying <3

"Fin, you're back." He pretty much mumbles, but I've learned to hear him.
"FIN'S HOME?" Sealand yells and turns around
"Yes I'm home..." I start only to get get cut off by...
"NO I'M NOT READY YET!" Sealand yells and stands up trying to push me out of the room.
"Umm..." I look over at Su confused hoping he would tell me what's going on.
He only shrugs and says "Surprise", stands up and walks towards me and lifts me up and slings me over his shoulder.
"Su!" I say pounding his back, not that it was hurting him anyways.

He doesn't say a word, he just opens the kitchen door and turns to face Sealand "I'll be back, keep preparing. Be careful." He winks and Sealand winks back, he then walks out the kitchen and down to the living room. "I didn't know you could wink" I laugh as he rolls his eyes in response. He opens the door to the living room and gently places me on the couch.

"So, what are you guys doing anyways?" I ask as he sits down beside me. "Surprise" he says again and looks at me until he notices my arms then stops. "What happen?" He asks pointing to my arms. I smile. Of course he noticed, he notices every little difference. "Groceries" I sigh which makes him look at me with more worry. "I will massage later." He says still looking down at my arms. "Aw thanks, but don't worry I'll be fine" I reply and lean in and kiss his forehead. He still doesn't move. I look at his face which was covered with concern.

"You better go back, Sea-kun's still in the kitchen alone." I point out which makes him grunt then get up towards the door. "Relax" he tells me leaving the door open "Yes yes, now go!" I say and with that he closes the door.

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