Sweden x Finland

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Ok I read my first chapter and it said that Den lived next to Fin so let's pretend that's his uh other house and he mainly lives in Denmark ok? Thanks!

I promise once this short story series thingy is over there'll be actual one shots without the family fluff for awhile (I'm going to die during that timmmee) unless requested! If the title says Sweden x Finland it means it's family fluff, SuFin means the normal non family kind same with DenNor.

Finland's POV

I must have fell asleep after watching Peter because I felt very groggy and warm as I  opened my eyes to see sunshine, ow. I squint my eyes nearly shut and pull out my phone to see that it's 3:38pm, pretty late considering our tight schedule. After five minutes I realized that Su wasn't in the car and that it wasn't moving at all, we were at a gas station.


I got out of the car and walked inside the 7/11 to look for any sort of food. Coffee. Does coffee even count as food?

"Who cares" I mumbled

As I speed walked towards the coffee area I noticed Sve standing there already with two coffees and being the more "feminine" one of the couple I thought over everything like a mother and figured that Peter would want something warm.

"Su could you get a hot chocolate for Peter?"

I must have said that in a really annoyed tone because he just nods slowly with a confused look on his face. He finishes with the drinks and takes them to the cashier.

"Is this morning Fin?"

"Ugh sure I just need a coffee" I yawn rubbing the sleep from my eyes and look up at the young girl who was standing in front of me behind the counter.


I point at her and she looks at me.

She smiles "It's been awhile Finland san, Sweden san" and I grin "I told you, you can call us Tino and Berwald!"

She smiles flustered. "I'm so sorry" she bows and I nervously laugh. "Peter really misses you Liech" she brightens up at the mention of Peter. "I would really enjoy babysitting him again if you ever need it!" Sve nods as she scans everything and tells him the price.

"By the way what are you doing in Sweden?" I ask picking up the bags she placed on the counter and a coffee which I handed to Sve and the quickly grab mine. Ah coffee.

"Originally just to study but I ended up wanting to stay here longer"

"It must've taken a lot to convince Vash to let you work here" I laugh causing her to giggle and nod. "He really wanted me to come home, he said it was to dangerous" Sweden reaches out and pats her head. "Course he was sc'rd letting a beautiful g'rl like you ere alone"

"Ehehe thank you Berwald san"

We talked for a few more minutes before a young couple walked in with some questions. Ber offered Liech to answer them for her but she smiled and said she could handle it.

"Ok, sorry but we have to go!"

"That's not a problem, thank you very much Sweden san, Finland san"

"We told you that you could call us by our names!"

"Oh! I'm so sorry!"

We all laugh as Peter walks into the store and runs up to Liech with his arms spread out. Aw he's excited.

"Peter THE COUNTER!" But it was to late.

"WAHHHHH!" As Peter wails the young lady of the couple bends down hurriedly, picks him up gently and hands him to Liech which was the right thing to do.

"Thank you" I bow slightly as she smiles. The young man turns to Berwald and asks him a few questions.

"Peter are you ok?" I ask alarmed as he buries his head into Liechtenstein's chest crying. She calms him down quickly somehow and I love seeing how happy he was. We left soon after, saying our goodbyes and promising that she could come over soon.

On the road towards the bridge I took a lot of photos and many in the tunnel as well.

"The Øresund bridge was so pretty"


"It was super cool! Can we go again?"

I laugh.

"Peter don't worry, we'll get to the bridge when we come back"

He pouts and then freezes with fear seeing the entrance of the tunnel coming nearer.

"Peter it'll be fine, don't focus on the tunnel, maybe go to sleep? Sing a song? How about read a book!" I pull one out of the seat pockets and hand it to him gesturing that he read it. He takes the book at starts to read quietly.

"Su can you believe this? It's amazing! The architecture, the science, the design it's all so  fantastic and did you se the way that th-"

He chuckles as I continue to ramble on and on about how awesome the tunnel and bridge were as we continue onto Denmark.

-Timeskip brought to you by Sweden's socks-

Finally in Denmark at 7pm I decide to text Nor to tell him that we've arrived.

-----Text message-----
Lukas is online.
Tino is now online.

Fin: Hey Nor you busy?

-----You have a call from Norway-----
Nor: *sigh* Define busy
Fin: Haha we're almost there I think, we've just arrived!
Nor: Okay, ready for you people anytime.
Fin: Ok thanks! Is Icey there???
Nor: I dunno, I think he'll be here later.
Fin: I just can't wait to see you guys!!!!!
(Denmark in the background: Hey is that Finny?!)
Nor: *sigh* You're not the only one who is.
Fin: Hi Den! Well you seem busy, I'll see you soon!
Nor: K bye.
-----You have ended the call-----

Smiling I look over at Peter who has fallen asleep and then at Berwald who was driving on with his normal neutral face as we got closer to the house. He didn't seem tired but I decided he was and removed my seat belt to give him a quick kiss that left me embarrassed but all fluttery on the inside. Plus it seemed to make him happy.

I put my seat belt back on and continued to hum all the way to their house.
Short chapter sorry but I hope the ending made up for that. Anyways I gotta go to my Capoeria class so bye bye~

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