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Disclaimer: All characters owned by:

Germany's POV

"Italia wha..?" I started but stopped mid sentence as I ran over to the immature country who was, stupidly enough trying to stick his hand in the gun on his tank where, it would get stuck.

"Italy!" I yelled, he only turned around with a pout on his face still attempting to stick his hand in the gun.

Finally I reached him and quickly pulled his hand away from the dangerous weapon only to realize that he wouldn't of been able to fit his hand through the hole anyways. 

Great. I ran here for nothing. "Oh well" I sigh with Italy looking at me with a confused look but then returning to his pout as he slightly whimpered and attempted to reach into the gun yet again. 'This is getting old' I think to my self while grabbing Italy's arm and holding it tightly with my right hand while placing my other to my forehead and sighing yet again.

"Ve." He says sadly
I sigh for the third time.
"My elders say every time you sigh your lifespan shortens..." says Japan who comes up to us with 2 small boxes wrapped in cloth.
I turn to him and sigh. "Thanks Japan." I say tiredly as he hands me a lunch box.
"Oh oh I know of that saying!" Italy says perking up, clearly forgetting about the tank and whatever he was doing.
"We like to say that every time you laugh you add more to your lifespan!" Italy practically chirps with glee.
"Ah yes, that is true with our country as well." Japan smiles and hands him a lunch box as well.

I sigh for the fifth time and look up at the sky. It's so blue, so clear with the clouds perfectly placing themselves in the sky. Perfect huh. 'That's the exact opposite of Italy' I chuckle and look at the innocent country who sees me chuckle.  "Ve!" He smiles. I tilt my head "What is the problem Italia?" Japan smiles "Germany is happy! So I'm happy! Ve! Ve!"

I stare at him stunned, but then sigh a small smile tugging at my lips. Before I can react Italy spreads his arms out and hugs me while singing a happy Italian song. I look up for Japan to ask for help but he was just smiling nostalgically. I sighed and smiled down on the little being, face getting hot.

'I love you stupid, immature, carefree country.'

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