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^New short UsUk stories: Spy au!^

HAPPY NEW YEARS EVERYONE!!! 2016 you better be good, though considering I, just sitting here writing this... Meh whatever...

An au made by my insta friend @/ she is so funny and nice, if you have Instagram then please follow her acc! It's multifandom.

Btw big ship mentions through the whole story:
DenNor,SuFin,AusHun/PruHun,some LietPol,GerIta,Spamano,RouChu (why not) and HongIce.

Arthur's POV

"5:00 I'm on time, I have to be at the showers by 5:10 or it gets too busy for my liking, change clothes and dry off by 5:25..." I mumble looking and my watch as I walked towards the showers.

"Which means I have enough time to read 4 chapters of Mein Kampf. That book, it's so stupid it's funny"

Walking down the empty hallways (most of the others wake up around 5:20-6:00)  I take a sharp right towards the showers and quickly enter.


I smile and shove my things into my locker and undress, wrapping a towel around my waist. Since I finished I walked towards the showers to the stall at the very end and to the right, the one I always use. I almost started humming when I noticed another being standing in front of me.

"Oh Arthur! Hey buddy guess who woke up early today!"

I scowl. Oh god, anyone but him. I can't take this at 5:00 in the morning.

"Good morning. Now get out of my way Alfred. I almost walked into you."

He pouts upon hearing my reply "Aw c'mon let's chat! We haven't talked for a while."

"And that's how it'll stay. Now please get out of my fucking way" I say and push past him or so I try.

"Alfred, let me go"

I glare at him. His grip on my arm was pretty strong as I notice his arm muscles were bigger then when I last saw him. Wait. Are those abs? I quickly look up instead of down to see that he stares back not flinching, unlike anyone else would. He's not intimidated by me.

I sigh, that's a first.

He cocks his head to the side confused.


He grins then let's go of my arm. I rub the place he was holding with annoyance. It was red and looked gross against my pale skin.

He looks at my arm with concern "Does it hurt? Oh man I'm sorry about that Artie."

"Tch I've been close to death twice, I'm fine" I roll my eyes and start heading towards the shower.

"Ok see you at breakfast!" He yells behind me and I raise my hand and lift my middle finger up without looking back and secretly smile.

"See you then" he says and I turn the shower on drowning out any other words he said afterwards.

-Time skip-

I was out of the shower and had just finished putting on my watch to see that it was 5:24. Silently pleased with myself I started the long (not really) walk back to my room. I share it with another guy, he's cool. We both like Harry Potter and the dark arts so we get along fine. Plus,

he's not loud.

I had been walking for about 2 minutes when I finally see my door. I start to turn right towards it but I stop, sensing another presence in there. I hide behind the corner of the wall waiting to see who the mystery person was. After a few seconds I hear a loud slamming noise and notice the figure had been forced out of the room.

I chuckle.

I quickly walk up towards the person who was just kicked out.

"Good morning Matthias" I say and smirk looking at his troubled face.

"Hey Arthur! Lukas kicked me out again after 5 minutes... Again"

"What have you two been ahem doing?" I ask getting closer to him to see if he would be lying.

"Talking. Well mainly me anyways."

I mumble a silent 'dammit' under my breath as I open the door, letting him in. Lukas was on his bed and kept his emotionless mask on as we both entered.

"Morning Lukas" I said after making sure he was drinking his coffee.

"Morning, what is he doing here again?" He asks looking up from his book. The Dark Magics: Age of Reconstruction

I shake my head and shrug.

"Why not?" I say and make my way towards my bed to read. I'll only have enough time to read 3 chapters now.

As Matthias starts talking and Lukas listens I continue to read until I feel like it's 5:45. And when it is Matthias leaves and thanks me for letting him in which I just chuckle at.

While me and Lukas get ready we talk and double check each others gear to make sure it's on right and then we head towards the dining hall by 5:55.

Lukas went to get some coffee and tea and some toast with jam and a boiled egg on the side for me as I saved a table for the others. Eventually the others came. So it was me, Lukas, Matthias,Vladimir, Toris, Feliks, Berwald and Tino at a table all sitting and chatting. We had an hour before heading off to do whatever we needed to do so we just spent our time talking about stupid things.

Like gossip.

Because we had no better ways to spend our time here.

"I totally think Gilbert is into Elizibeta!" Tino said asking for our opinions.
"Ya but I heard that she was married before coming here." Vladimir added
"Are you guys stupid it's Roderich from high school remember" I say face palming
"Oh right, but still Gil has a chance" Tino says
"I wonder what happened" Toris asked aloud making us all ponder over that.

"What about Yao and Ivan?" Lukas asks blankly making us all freeze.

"Uh th-hatt's gg.ay" Tino stutters face dusted pink
"So?" We all say
"You're not homophobic?" He asks serious

"Oh" he replies

"Sooooo, how about Tino and some good ol'Swede huh?" Matthias grins and nudges the poor little guy who was drowning in his own blush.

"Nn-o" he manages to squeak out making Berwald look away as well in embarrassment.

As we all laugh I remember I had said I would meet Alfred and I hate breaking promises so I stack up my plates.

"Hey big shot where you going?" Feliks asks.

"I have to meet someone now" I sigh and stand up.

"Who?" Matthias asks curiously.

I roll my eyes. "Alfred"

"Ah your boyfriend" Vlad smirks setting a chain of laughter off.

I roll my eyes again "Uh huh fuck you too."

I high five the silent Berwald and walk away.
I'm having so much fun! Thanks arthur_cockland this au is great!

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