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Germany knows what going on 😏 or I say, going down😉 Some Spamano included with this one cause we all need some Spamano adorablesness all the time and I suggest not looking up any ships from 7am or past 9:30pm I don't know about you, but (I'm feeling twenty twoooo~) I just saved pretty much every single pic. This is one of the many that didn't get deleted that day. Well without further ado... ENJOY!

North Italy's POV

Hello journal!

Guess what I saw today! Today I saw Spain nisan outside so I went outside to go greet him but guess what, Roma was there to! I was wondering why they were blushing so I snuck in a bit closer but then I saw that they were kissing! Can you believe it? I'm very happy because they both love each other, I promise I could tell. But then right afterwards Romano started looking away frowning while blushing as Spain just laughed and patted his head. Oh! I also think I heard Romano call Spain a jerk, is that love? Of course it is! ...I think. Do you know what love is?

Bye bye!

North Italy, Feliciano Vargas


"Doitsu Doitsu! Is this long enough?" I ask holding up my journal to him. (No.Dirty.Thoughts.Ok😏)

He looks up from his book and takes my journal, reads a few lines then his face starts getting red. By the end his face is super red! Almost like Romano when Spain nisan was kissing him!

Minutes pass and he keeps staring at my writing. Then he finally looks up.

"Wah I'm sorry Doitsu! Just please don't hit me!" I cower thinking that he's mad. He just sighs and hands it back saying "Ii.t www-a.s we.ell- writ-tenn." and goes back to reading. I smile happy that he praised me.


His face gets more red as he turned away and mumbled a quiet "Your welcome..." As I hopped over and sat next to him on the sofa.

He quickly covers his face with his book and continues to read so I decide to be mature and sit it out.

But mature really is too boring.

"Doitsu what are you reading?" He looks up at me for a second then continues to read "Hm? I'm reading about the environment and some tips on how to keep the earth clean" I nod the whole time though I don't know how we could keep the earth clean, should we bathe it? How would we do that though? Maybe a giant r-

With my face scrunched up in focus and my minds clouded with thoughts I didn't realize it but I did feel the air in the room grow colder.

"'ss-cc.c-oold" this causes him to jolt up and find a big sweater which he puts on me. "You're over reacting Italia, it's not that cold."

"Ve! Well not anymore" I say as I snuggle into his sweater then shuffle over to where he's sitting on the couch, I crawl into his lap, sit down and lean my head into his chest. He tenses up, but he is Germany so he keeps reading on despite the distractions.

"Doitsu Doitsu, when will you finish the book?"

He doesn't even flinch as he mumbles a straight forward "I don't know" as he continues to read.

Ok now I really am bored. I'm hungry. I wanna eat. I wanna make pasta. I wanna eat pasta.



"I'm hungry"


Again he doesn't move. I should leave him since it looks like he's so into that book but I'm hungry.

"Doitsu. Doitsu please."


"I'm soooo hungry, like I'm going to die."

"Mh hm"

Ok that's it this calls for desperate measures.

"I'll give you one more warning"


Wait did he just abbreviate a work? Never mind that.

In one swift movement I push his book away from his face and kiss him waking him up, I think startling him greatly. I mean he's turning into a tomato again! Speaking of tomatoes, I'm hungry.

" wa.s th-aat f.o-rr?!?!"

"Oh Mr.Germany my beautiful boyfriend would you please go buy some things so I can make pasta~" I ask smiling at his adorable reaction

Upon hearing that he literally runs to the door and shoves his boots on.

"I'M NO-TT YOOU.R BBOY.YFRIE-NND!!!!...i wish i was..."


Then he runs out very flustered.

"I wish too" I giggle
Hi omfg it was so hard and awkward asf to write this but oh well UsUk coming soon then the SuFin short story which is sadly I think coming to an end ;( But please do leave requests for the ships listed below...









Switzerland x Liechtenstein???

I feel like there was more but oh well bye!

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