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^Aw Nor don't be so harsh on Den^
Hey hey heeeeeyyyyyy! How are you people? I think I put some of my own fangirl into Den for this chapter and based Nor off a Tsundere (well YanTsunDandere to be precise) friend. Please don't think of me as cocky but let's get this book to 1k! Fighting! *by the time this is published its at 1k views so THANK YOU GUYS I promise to work harder!*

Denmark's POV

The thing about Lukas is that most people see him as depressing or negative, though that may be the case 50% of the time. I know that he's just a bit hard on himself, that's all.

But wowie isn't he pretty yet again today.


"What were you looking at."

"Um, nothing!" I grin rubbing my head which had obviously been hit, and it hurt quite a bit more then usual.


Not completely satisfied with his answer he still turns back and continues to listen to Mr uh... Whatever his name was and "ignores" me. Oh come on Lukas, you can do better then that.

I try not to look happy as I also turn back to the teacher but end up bobbing my head back and forth while tapping my feet. Which apparently ends up pissing the teacher off.

So here I am. In detention. Again for "day dreaming" and "disrupting the class" while doing it.

I sigh and bang my head on the desk repeatedly for a good 5 minutes.

"Dammit. God dammit. It should be illegal to be that good looking. But then again I enjoy his prettiness, but I s- ouch!"

Rubbing my head in pain once again I look up to see Lukas. Great.

"What were you doing mumbling to yourself and banging your head against a desk" he asks clearly amused.


He sighs.

I smirk "What are you doing here Mr.Good child?"

"Oh shut it Matthias, I came to get you out."

"Awwe how sweet of you!"

"Idiot, it's because I'm bored and have nothing else to do"

"Thanks, but I'll get you and myself in trouble"

He sighs again "you just had to be observant" he mutters.

He rolls his eyes and takes a seat at the desk in front of me and starts to open his bag. I grab his wrist and look him in the eyes.

"What are you doing?"

"Trying to take my book out of my bag, as you can see"

We have this sort of staring contest with none of us giving the other a chance to win. I continue to stare into his deep purple eyes. We continue to stare when I realize that we are only a few inches apart and then get the idea of trying something.

I slowly started to lean in closer to his face while staring into his eyes. He doesn't seem to notice for the first few centimetres but then his eyes grow wide and he pulls away quickly pulling his book out of his bag.

"Aw Lukash ish flushtered."

"shut up" he mumbles turning around.

"Huh." I say leaning onto my elbows while staring at the back of his head.

For the next two hours we don't talk. He was reading and I was busy staring up at the clock. As soon as it struck 5pm I stood up and he followed and we both left the classroom.

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