Sweden x Finland

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Part 3
^This picture made my day😂^
Sadly almost reaching the end of this SuFin short story, well at least I find it sad cause I'm really enjoying writing this and I think it came out pretty well >_<
Well then enjoy another chappy!
Disclaimer all characters owned by:

Finelands POV


Finland's POV

"Sea you ready to go?" Berwald asks as he bends down to make sure Sea-kun was wearing warm clothes.
"Yep Sea-kun is always ready!" Berwald nods and stands up heading towards the front door holding Sealand's hand.

"Su? Su? Hey Berwald? Where are we going?" I ask franticly trying squirm out of his grip though as he starts to pull his shoes on I give up, he's far too strong.

"Fin this jacket al'right?" He holds up my usual winter coat and I nod with a puzzled look still present on my face which he attempts to ignore but I know he can't for long because, let's be honest. I'm god dam adorable... Or so they say.

He also grabs my boots which were still on the ground "Tsk" he mutters looking at all the melted snow.
"I'm sorry Swe, it's just I got worried because no one answered me at the door and thehousewassuperquietsoIthoughtthatyoutwodisappearedorworseandI-"

"Shh, s'alright Fin I clean later since t'was my fault"

He hugs me tighter as he walks towards the door letting Sealand go ahead of him towards the car. I smile at this and hug him back, slightly shivering at the cold air that instantly enveloped me. Of course Sve notices this and tucks my jacket around me.

"Whoosh vrmm all aboard the Sea-kun express!"

Sealand was doing an adorable little skit on his own beside the car then attempted to open the door but it was locked so Sweden dug through his pocket and handed the keys to an overjoyed little boy who happily opened the car doors in an sophisticated manner then dutifully handed the keys back to Sweden who gave him a pat on the head as he went into the car.

"Su I promise I won't run away so you can put me down now ok?"

I look at his face and say it so he'll see how serious I am. He doesn't say anything for a few seconds and just stares at me.

"Su? Are you ok?" I ask full of concern and lean closer to his face to see if he's sick or something.

*In the mind of Sweden*

Fin's so cute.

*Back out of Sweden's mind*

Huh, he doesn't seem sick thankfully. As I look closer at his face he lands a quick kiss on my mouth then he puts me down. God I must be blushing really hard because it suddenly doesn't seem cold anymore. I hurry around the car to the back seat then smack my forehead asking myself why I had circled around the car to do so. Must have been that quick kiss.

Goddammit Sve.

Warn me next time would you. I'm... Im just not good with these kinds of things. I check to see if Sea-kuns buckled up right which he is so I go to the front of the car and get in. Avoiding eye contact with Swe of course.

Ohmegerd it's just... UGGHHH! Calm down Fin you've been with him for years and this is how you react to one kiss? It's almost like you're Fangirling or something. Wait. What? I AM NOT FANGIRLING WHAT THE HELL I'M JUST um...

I jolt up upon feeling something touch my hand and it's just Sve.

"Fin'm sorry" he said it with so much guilt, it nearly made me cry. My god Fin, this isn't all about you. What have you done. "No, I'm sorry. It's just it's hard not to be uh, like really happy when um...ahotguykissesyou..." I blush rushing those last words out. I grimace and look away thinking he'll say something awkward or anything, but all I feel is someone squeezing my hand then the car moving.

"Thanks Finny"

I smile and look out the window wondering where we are going.

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