Sweden x Finland

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SuFin story pt.4

^Ok to be honest I don't really know the details and if I should be shipping HongIce but most people do and I don't want Icey to be alone ; )^

Lots of cheesy SuFin family in this chapter. Sorry if you're disappointed.

Finland's POV

I looked behind me to see Sealand sleeping and it made me smile.

I quickly turn back and face the road even though there was no one other then us at hour.

"Fin you wan' me to drive?"

I look over to Sve and shake my head.

"No it's ok, I want to drive" I smile making him stare at me for a few more seconds to make sure I was serious.

"If you want"

He turns back to the road and just sits there. Su if you're tired just sleep, you don't have to act all manly you know. I sigh.

"Fin? You al'right?"

I sigh again hearing the tiredness in his voice.

"Su, you're tired aren't you"

"I'm not"

"Yes you are"


"Please, you can sleep I'm fine"

"I'm not tir-"


I stop upon hearing Sealand murmur in his sleep. Please don't wake up.

"Sorry but please Su just..."

He places his hand on mine and nods.

"S'alright Finny, M'sorry"

He tells me where we're going then leans over and kisses my forehead then leans against the door to sleep. Meanwhile I'm blushing again wondering why as a sign comes up telling me that there's only 50km to Malmö where me and Sweden planned to switch so he could drive and I could sit in the back with Sealand.

I skillfully grabbed my phone from Sweden's pocket. He confiscated it a few hours ago telling me to stop taking photos because I'll run out of storage by the time we got to the bridge.

I pull my earbuds out of my pocket and plug them into my phone as I turn it on quickly type in the password.


I open the 'free music' app because why should I pay when there's free legal apps that let you get them for free? Sve doesn't like it though. No matter.

I Clicked on the first folder labeled 'Matthias Swag' though I was wondering why Matthias's music was on here. The first song was pretty good though, kinda like rock but also pop. I like it.

As I was jamming I almost forgot that I was driving until Sealand started crying. Startled I drove to the side of the road and looked back to see him sobbing. I quickly unbuckled my seat belt and ran around to the back of the car opened the door then climbed in beside him.

Sve opened his eyes as I unbuckled Sealand and placed him in my lap. He continues sobbing as Sweden also comes around to sit next to us.

"Hey, Sea-kun, what's wrong?" I ask gently as he hugs me harder. "Do we really have to go through the tunnel?" I stroke his head. "Sea-kun are you scared of the tunnel?" He nods.

Sweden motions for me to pass Sealand to him and I gently do.

"Sea, you had a'nightmare of the tunnel?" He nods again. Berwald pulls us into a hug. "It's ok Sea, even'm scared of the tunnel, but me an Finny are here ok?

(Ya ya ya I know cheesy right :1 )

We sit there like that for a few minutes as Sealand falls back to sleep. Once he does I move away to go back to the front of the car to drive but Sweden doesn't let go.

"Ber, hey Ber you can let go now" I say trying to get out of his grasp.


"Su please, he's ok now if you stay beside him, I need to go drive."


"I'm serious" I frown which turns out more like a pout but whatever. He on the other hand ignores me and grabs my arm with one hand and buckles Sealand up with the other.


"Shh." He points to Sealand. I nod "but I need to start driving if we want to make it" he buckles me into the seat next to Sealand then gets out and walks to the front of the car.

"Su this isn't Malmö you know"


"There's still 50km"

He sighs. Hey that's my thing right now.

"Rest, Sea needs you."

And with that he continues driving.
I reallllyy enjoy writing this omfg <3 My little precious SuFin. Next chapter will include more SuFin, and yes Malmö is a place in Sweden and yes the bridge/tunnel they are going to cross is real it's kinda a spoiler if you know where it's connected to. Bai!

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