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"She has been like this for a week."


"My poor baby."


"Don't worry she will wake up."






I can hear, I can feel people touch me, but I can't open my eyes. I want to open my eyes but my body won't cooperate.

I hear the cries of my mom and Papaya. I want to speak and tell them I am alright. I want to hug them and make everything better. I need to wake up for my mom. I am the only family she has left. I need to wake up for Papaya. We are best friends and we can't live without each other.

I listen to Tyson speak to me while I'm like this. He comes everyday and tells me what I missed at school. He holds my hand like he is waiting for me the squeeze it. I want to squeeze his hand, I have tried many times.

Sometimes he begs me to wake up, he thinks it's his fault I am like this. Once I felt tears on my arm as he was talking to me. I wanted to scream out and say I could hear him, that I'm okay. But my mouth wouldn't move.

Westley, Jackson, and even Reggie came to visit me. But honestly I think Reggie is just here because he wants to get on Papaya's good side again. James came with Landon one day and he is just the cutest thing. I remember what he said like it was yesterday.

"May you please wake up. Ty Ty isn't fun now because you are still asleep. Everyone will be happy if you wake up, we all miss you."

I wanted to cry then, everyone is waiting for me to wake up and my body won't let me. I can't do this anymore, I need to wake up.

"Hey Calista, it's Tyson."

Is it after school already?

"Some interesting things happened at school today. Westley and Jackson got into a fight and were suspended. As you probably figured out they fought over Papaya. Oh and Westley won. They both have bruises all over though." He says.

Papaya needs to just choose one of them already.

"Betty tried to ask for my forgiveness and get me to take her back."

That girl can't take a hint.

"I refused and she threw a hissy fit. She said that she knew I liked her and all this other garbage."

Oh it's all garbage alright.

"But I realized something at that moment. I should have realized it sooner."

That she is a piece of trash?

"Calista I li-


No. No. What was he going to say?

"Hello? James I am at the hospital. You were supposed to get him. Ok fine, I'll be there in a minute. Ok bye."

Darn you James.

"Sorry Calista I have to go pick up Landon. I will be back though. Don't miss me too much." He says chuckling.

No don't leave, it's boring here.

I hear the door close and I internally sigh. I wanted to know what he was going to say. It seemed important since he said my name. Darn James is always messing up things. I hope he brings Landon when he comes back. I love that kid so much and I don't usually like little kids.

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