Chapter One

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It was officially summer time. This year flew by so fast and it was hard to believe that next year would be my last year of college. It felt like I just started and now I was about to graduate. August was a distraction when it came to most things but he didn't play when it came to me and school. He even checked my grades just to make sure I wasn't slipping. On the rare occasion that I got a C on an assignment he would literally sit me down and tell me to explain myself.

I was supposed to be long gone by now, living on my own. I had a place picked out and everything but August wanted me to stay. Somehow August always get's his way though and over a year later here I am. You would have thought that we would be fighting and gotten sick of each other but it was the other way around. I think I gotten so used to him being around that I hated when he wasn't by my side. I wouldn't say that I was clingy but he didn't have a problem being up under me all day but he was worse than me by far.

They say that girls like to cuddle but I swear I always woke up with him either laying on me or him touching me in some sort of way. I guess I've grown used to it by now, we've been living together and sleeping in the same bed for nearly two years now.

After unwrapping his arms from around me I glanced at the clock, it was almost noon and I had slept in long enough. It was another late night for us, I blame that on August though. He got in late and then had the audacity to wake me up for sex. I guess I couldn't really complain though...

I got up and decided to start get what was rest of the day started. Later on we were supposed to be meeting up with D and Julianna to go and see some movie the boys wanted to see. Something with Kevin Hart in it, I wasn't to interested in seeing in but the boys were.

I washed my face and headed to the kitchen to eat some breakfast knowing August wouldn't be up for like four more hours. He was gone all day yesterday taking care of business, whatever that meant. I didn't ask and he didn't tell me unless it had something to do with the sneaker shop him and D opened up about a year and half ago. The place was always packed but it was beyond nice inside so I didn't see why. They had a indoor basketball court and TV's mounted on every wall, the place was a major success to say the least and kept him busy, best of all it was legal. But I wasn't dumb, I was a business major and I knew it was just a way for them to clean there money.

Four hours later and when he wasn't up I decided to wake him. Walking back in the room he was still knocked out. I knew that if I didn't wake him that he would sleep all day if he could. That was something that I couldn't do. I liked my sleep but I was usually an early riser and couldn't sleep the say away even if I tried.

"August," I walked over to him and shook him, "I know you hear me."

He mumbled something I didn't understand into his pillow.

"Get up."

"In a minute, five minutes."

"Five minutes always turns into a hour with you."

"Aight I'm up."

He moved the covers off of him and I smiled and walked in the closet for something to wear. Once I found something I walked out and he was still in the bed. I sighed, this is what I'm talking about. He was the one that wanted to go out today and now he wanted to stay in bed and sleep all day.

I grabbed my pillow from my side of the bed and walked over to his seat and smacked him in the head with it a couple of times.


He swatted it away but must have got fed up with me hitting him so he reached out and grabbed it from me and tossed it aside. Before I could move out of his reach he reached out and pulled me down onto the bed with him. Instead of getting off of him I did the opposite and straddled him. He was wide awake now.

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