Chapter 9

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I thought I had it easy at first since the doctor claimed that the first trimester was the easiest to get through. I had no morning sickness, no aches or pains, no crazy cravings or anything like that until I entered my second trimester.

Not only was I showing but I've already gained nearly ten pounds. I've been having weird cravings and when August was nice enough to allow me to eat whatever I wanted I pigged out and then slept. Between my online classes I had nothing else to do all day but eat, sleep and be up under August. That was when he was home anyway.

I hated being the clingy and needy type but I made sure that all his spare time was spent with me. August claimed not to mind that I was being so needy. I think he liked me asking him to do things for me because before this I was so independent. When I wasn't with August I spend time with either his mom or the girls but since they had school and men of there own I didn't want to bother them as much.

August has been on a roll with making sure everything was good by the time the baby got here. I didn't even know he thought we should move until he showed me the place first hand. It was nice and for a condo it had a home feel to it. It was three bedrooms and had a huge kitchen, living room and dining room and best of all the master bedroom was HUGE and it came with a jacuzzi tub already installed. I had a bubble bath every night.

August even went a step further and let me pick out all new furniture for the place. I had nothing but time on my hands so I grabbed some furniture catalogs and went to town trying my best not to spend to much even though August told me I could spend whatever. I wasn't up for the idea of looking at furniture by myself but he told me this place was just as much as mine as it was his, so much so that not only was his name on the lease but mine was as well.

Now the place was fully furnished and only room that needed work was the nursery. I couldn't wait to get started on that and even had a few idea's in my head but we both wanted to wait until we knew if we were having a boy or girl.

Today though was all about us having fun, August was going to play basketball with his friends so me and the girls were spending the day in. I had the new season of Scandal DVR'd and Julianna and Danielle were coming over so we could catch up and spend some time together.

I walked out the shower and to the bedroom, the girls would be here soon and while I went to go and take a shower I talked August into straightening up for me. pregnancy did have an upside.

"All done," I asked once he walked in the room.

"Yeah," he walked in the room and walked in the bathroom and I knew he was about to get ready to take a shower.

The first trimester I had no desire to do anything but we made it work. It was like as soon as I entered my second trimester a flipped switched and now all I wanted was sex all the time.

The problem: August.

I knew what I wanted, needed but he wouldn't touch me. A month or so ago I didn't need sex, I didn't want him touching me let alone having sex with me. But now I was ready and he was the one pushing me away. His reason, he thought he was going to hurt the baby.

I even asked the doctor about it and she told me it was normal for some men to think that but she assured us that that wouldn't happen. As long as we were both careful. After that I thought all was good but no.

When I heard the shower cut on, I knew he was now in the shower, all wet and soapy and I bit my lip and tried my best to keep my cool. That didn't last long, I felt like I was about to explode if I didn't get some.

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