Chapter 47- Take it From Me

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Ricks breathing was laboured, and his face twitched with pure rage, as Joe pressed the barrel of the gun harder against Rick's temple.

"You hear me? You screwed up asshole." Joe snickered into Rick's ear.

Ricks eyes never left mine, he looked genuinely shocked to see me, and displayed it openly. "Today is a day of reckoning sir. Restitution. The balancing of the who-o-ole damn universe."

My eyes flickered to Michonnes, and she watched Joe with her careful, cautious eyes, while Tony held a gun to her as well.

"Shit," Joe chuckled. "And I was thinking about turning in for the night on new years eve! Now whos gonna count down the ball drop with me? Huh? Mariah? You wanna help?" He shouted turning to look at me.

"Or would you rather die here with these people." Joe spat, then Billy was behind me, grabbing my gun and wrapping his arm around my neck and pressing his gun to my head.

"What the hell?!" I exclaimed, clawing at Billys arm.

"We're not stupid." Joe growled. "What, did you just think that you'd be able to slip away into the night? Without being noticed?"

His face turned to a devilish smirk as he watched the horror cross my face. "Honey, we would know if the only set of boobies ran away." He had known all along. Daryl and I weren't fooling anyone.

"I'll give you a second chance though. See Billy there, he's been wanting you since we found you hiding in that garage." My stomach churned at his words. "You give him what he wants, and you can live."

"No." Rick said, watching with angry eyes.

Joe leaned closer to Rick, and scowled at him. "You have no say there asshole."

Joe looked back up at me, "Well?" He asked.

I spat onto the ground, and Joe rolled his eyes. "Typical." Joe chuckled. "Shes all yours, Billy."

"Ten Mississippi..." Joe called out as Billy adjusted his grip on me. "Nine Mississippi... eight Mississippi..."

"No!" Daryl's voice called from the darkness. He emerged silently, his eyes flashing between Rick, Michonne and I. "Hold up."

"Your stopping me at eight, Daryl."

"Joe, let her go." Daryl said quietly, watching Billy as he pressed the cold metal against my cheek harder.

"No can do, shes a traitor. Traitors need severe punishment."

"Joe." Daryl snarled angrily.

Joe raised his brow, and narrowed his eyes at Daryl. "Are you yelling at me?"

"Just hold up." Daryl called out again, this time walking closer to Rick, trying to see if it was truly his best friend.

"This is the guy that killed Lou, so we got nothin' to talk about." Billy shouted into my ear.

"The thing about nowadays, is we got nothing but time." Joe paused, giving Daryl a nod. "Say your peace, Daryl."

"These people, you're gonna let them go." Daryl said, glancing at me sideways.

"Now, I think Lou would disagree with you on that." Joe urged, shaking his head. "I'll of course have to speak for him in all, because your friend here strangled him in a bathroom."

"You want blood." Daryl said, putting his crossbow down slowly and raising his arms. "I get it."

"Daryl no!" I screamed, trying to removed myself from Billys grip frantically.

My Redneck (Sequel to That Redneck/ Daryl Dixon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now