Chapter 12- As Quiet as a Mouse

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I sat on the makeshift bed Glenn had made for me, I tugged my new comfy shoes off and tossed them to the side before grabbing a cookie out of the already half eaten box and relaxing onto my back while I chewed the cookie.

Dark shadows flickered and bounced off the walls from the lantern that was placed in the centre of all the makeshift beds.

The only sounds that I could hear, was the munching of food, Carls soft snores and the very faint moans of the dead coming from the streets below. Beside that, it was as quiet as a mouse.

I looked at my fellow friends who were all huddled separately on their own beds. Rick sat cross-legged and very slowly ate some dried fruit while taking tiny sips of water every once in a while. Michonne laid on her side, her sword lying in front of her with her fingers lingering very near, probably in case we were disturbed by whomever or whatever. Carl was out like a light as soon as his head hit the pile of clothes and Glenn was staring at the lanterns flickering light, he was completely zoned out.

I was on my back, counting the little flowers etched into the ceiling. So far there were eighty-seven, if I counted right.

"So what do you think will happen tomorrow?" Michonne asked quietly.

"The walkers should be cleared out, then we can sneak through the allies until we get out of the city. Then we can take the main road back home." Rick explained.

"Thats like an entire days walk." I moaned.

"Its not like we have a choice." Rick muttered.

I frowned and pouted silently, while Rick and Michonne continued to blabber on about who knows what.

Meanwhile I was trying to fall asleep even though I knew I would be hysterically crying when I awoke, probably from another nightmare. So I closed my eyes again and forced myself to think about sheep frolicking in fields.

My mind went blank and I was thrown into darkness and I'm sure I was snoring.

"Where do we go?" Tayler cried from beside my father in the back seat.

"We can't sit in here forever. We'll get mobbed." My father winced, clutching his stub harder.

Corpses and people ran frantically through the streets as we sat in park out front of the hospital. There was no way we'd get in there right now, even if there weren't weirdly sick people stalking around us.

Blood continued to soak the white towel that was wrapped around his new stump. "Mariah, you remember that old hospital ten minutes out of town?" Jason asked from the passenger seat beside me.

"Of course." I said.

"Go there, it might be less crowded." Jason ordered.

I was already shifting the gear into drive as he said the words. I sped down the road, swerving to avoid panicked people or sick people with a huge flesh-fetish.

"Watch out!" Jason cried as our truck drove straight towards a pedestrian currently freaking out because her arm was mostly ripped off.

I swerved and hit the curb, sending the truck bouncing up onto the grass. I quickly backed up, causing the truck to jiggle back and forth ferociously as we got back onto the road.

"Everyone okay?" I called as I sped up again.

"Ya, totally. Were great. Not like his arms off." Tayler muttered sarcastically.

I ignored her rude comment and stopped abruptly when I noticed the traffic beginning to pile up on the road in front of me.

Vehicles with their doors hanging open sat parked in the middle of the roads while families huddled together and headed into the thick forests surrounding our tiny town.

My Redneck (Sequel to That Redneck/ Daryl Dixon Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now