Prolouge part 1

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"Momma, Papa help me!" I screamed to my family as a dark swift figure took me within seconds. My village and my people tried to save me, as fast as physically possible but he was too quick and too agile and dodged them all.

After what felt miles and hours away from home I felt my body being roughly thrown into cold, hard, steel cage with no escape. I was scared and prayed to Tutu, the Egyptian god of dreams, that this was a horrible nightmare and that I'd wake up in my mother's nest in my village with my brothers and sisters. But no mattered how hard I didn't want to believe I was here trapped in this cage, I was. I wanted nothing more than to be home with my family. I wept and cried until I eventually fell into a deep slumber.

When I awoke at the feeling of being picked up by tiger with human like features, I saw identical ninja solders, that looked like the one that kidnapped me, one after another, a small girl with jet black who looked about six years old, same age as me and tall, muscular man with a strange looking helmet that covers his entire face except for one scared eye. " Master Shredder, we have the animal you requested." The tiger-human figure said to the dark, mysterious man "Excellent work, Tiger Claw." He responded calmly in his deep steady and husky voice "What shall we do with her now Master Shredder." Tiger claw said

" Take her to the lab and have Stockman handle her and tell him to add the new ingredient. Understood?" " Understood Master." And with that said I was carried to a lab.

When we entered a lab there was a tall, scrawny African American man with a dark untamed Afro was sitting in front of beakers and chemicals, when I noticed a glowing greenish blue substance and rose purple ingredient in a small beaker being mixed and put into a syringe. When he came near me I flashed my fangs hoping to scare him away so I could find a way to escape, he flinched and started to back away slowly but with a glare and snarl from Tiger Claw the man, I assumed was Stockman, slowly crept forward in fear that I might attack him through the metal bars of the cage. Stockman came close enough to injected whatever the substances that was in the syringe into my body and I felt an intense pain that I couldn't identify. Soon after the injection I fainted from the mouth that was in inside eating me alive and transforming me into pitch black darkness. I thought I gone to the afterlife and I was waiting for Anubis to summon the rainbow bridge to the world above. But it seemed he wasn't coming, which meant I wasn't dead just floating in what felt like eternal darkness.

I woke up and felt like I took a thousand year nap, my eyes were bleary but once they cleared I saw someone. She didn't look quite human, she had scales all over her body, nails as sharp as knives, and pointed ears but she also had a beautiful human like face that almost looked angelic and her body that is slim and petite like a little kid. When I realized she had the same pair of eyes as I do, a golden pair of yellow eyes that usually would sparkle in the natural light of the beautiful Egyptian sun and now they were now clouded and overshadowed with fear and helplessness, it suddenly hit me like a ton of bricks that girl I saw was me.

I screamed at the internal pain I felt inside, I didn't want to be this way I wanted to go back to normal I wanted to go back to the time I was with everything and everybody I loved and cared for and stay there until Anubis took me over the bridge to the Afterlife.

I stopped my piercing scream at the sound of the heavy metal door closing with a huge thud. I turned to the terrifying man they called, Shredder. He towered over me completely overshadowing me by several inches." Welcome child." he said calm and monotone voice making me shiver and shake with fear "wh-why am I here, what did you do to me?" I squeaked in my young six year old voice " my child I made you better than before and from now on you will refer to me as Sensei." "Why should I?" surprised at my boldness towards the man " because you are my minion and you will do as I say." "Can I ask, why do I look like this and why'd you do this to me?" he sighed deeply " I did this to you to get vengeance on Hamato that's why." Master shredder said then walk to the door then paused " you will start ninja training in the morning." Then he left.

The over the course of the night, I had a hard time sleeping, my mind kept playing the events of yesterday over and over again until I heard a loud creak when the door was opened and a closed with a slam. " Wake up miscreant. It's time for training." Tiger Claw roared. I stood up followed meekly behind him until we reached the presence of Shredder, the same little girl from yesterday stood beside him, she glared at me like I was the most disgusting freak in the world. Which was how I personally felt about myself in this state. Like a cobra human hybrid freak that can't walk amongst any living society. Shredder looked at me, then stood up from his throne and towards a table filled with weapons of all sorts from battle axes to swords. I looked at him expectantly as if he'd let me pick one. "Choose." he said with no feeling at all. "Master you're letting a little child pick a weapon what about training, what about-"SILENCE!" immediately picking my head up from the weapons table and faced Master Shredder looking frightened at his angry infused expression. His expression turned from a angry beet red to a much calmer straight face, " I will train her the way I see best fits, now unless you disagree..." "No, you know best." "Of course I do."

I didn't know what to do after that, I could feel how thick the air was with the tension. So, after mentally debating whether to picking something, I decided against it. " Child." The voice was felt sudden probably because I was lost in my own thoughts. "What is your name?" "Ara." I said bluntly fidgeting with my fingers " Ara, stop fidgeting with your fingers, it's a sign of weakness and I don't need a weakling" he said irritated, I immediately stop fidgeting and looked up to see the little girl smirk, which made me feel stupid. " I will train you Ara to be the most skilled and feared ninja of them all." He said radiating fury " and to defeat Hamato Yoshi." He said. " But first we need to start with basics."

I put on the training gear I was given by Master Shredder to me. When I went into the training area I felt like I was about to be fed to lions. Shredder walked in with, again, the little girl "Father, what is she doing here?" she said very irritated, "She's your new partner, Karai.

"But she's not even the slightest bit trained in the art of Ninjutsu, I'm on a completely different level than her-" "Silence, Karai. You will be her partner." He said coldly " Plus, you're the perfect combat influence for her."

Karai walked up to me and stared like she was analyzing me. "With your sparing skills and my teachings she will be one of the most feared ninjas in the entire world." And with that my dad training began and so did the life I didn't deserve to live.

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