Chapter 4

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    Why in two realms does my head hurt so much, all I remember was I was pulling my arrow about to shoot the one with the blue mask right into a pressure point and then black. One of them must've knocked before I could release. Ugh, stupid turtles always ruining my chances of killing them all because they want to live. Pssh, whatever.

    I've been floating in complete darkness for awhile now, to be honest I felt like I've been here before but I can't remember when, it's probably my imagination. But suddenly I felt like I was moving but not moving, if that makes sense which it doesn't. After a while I was dropped, really hard which kind of awoke me from coma like state. "What the heck." I said rubbing the back of my head, when my sight started to clear up I saw a couch and an old styled T.V, the kind that only take tapes, and then my eyes set on the turtles and a girl just staring at me. "Where the heck am I?" I sat up to my elbows looking around trying to figure out how I got here and how to get out as fast as possible. "You're in our home." A giant mutant rat walked in front of me, I began salivating because rats were my favorite snack and this is like hitting the mother load of all snacks for me. I stared at him like I just won the grand prize at the county fair, as my pupils started to dilate I licked my lips and showed my fangs. As I slowly crawled forward ready to devour him whole I heard a shout coming from a direction " Don't let her near Master Splinter, she's going to eat him." The taller turtle with a gaped tooth said before hitting me in the head with a, what looked like, bo staff. I glared at him but continued moving towards the rat, then it hit me.

    Splinter is Hamato Yoshi, Master Shredder's arch nemesis, if I killed and ate Splinter and reported it to Master Shredder he would be pleased and would be able to continued expanding the Foot Clan with no problem and maybe, just maybe, he would reward me with a higher position than Tiger Claw and I would be a higher power than him. That would be the best thing in the world, I'm so glad I forgot to eat my dinner because now I have a crap ton of room for this heavenly snack.

    I continued to crawl closer unhinging my jaw so I wouldn't miss one little bite, then a sudden pain spread throughout my body and I couldn't move. I remember this feeling during training a fews years back, it was my pressure point or to be more specific the satan and the grim reaper punishing their child after they broke a glass plate. It was excruciating pain, it was like Mechashark and Megashark fighting over a dolphin and the dolphin wasn't able to move. Yes, the innocent little dolphin wasn't able to do anything about it, poor thing. Poor me!

    I fell on the ground motionless unable to move a single muscle. "See Leo I knew this was a bad idea." "Well I didn't know she was going to attack Splinter."

"What did you expect from a member of the foot clan."

"It felt morally right at the time."

"Morals shmorals, she could have killed all of us."


    Suddenly the entire room was bathed in complete silence, Splinter cleared his throat " Leonardo what you did was right and you shouldn't regret helping her out. You didn't expect this and that's okay but sometimes going with what seems right isn't right." Then he walked over to the red masked turtle "and Raphael sometimes you have to do what's right even if at first it doesn't sound like a good idea." Then he turned towards me kneeling down to my level, he pressed his fingers near my pressure point and I was not paralyzed anymore. I looked him straight in the eye with a slight fear "Thank you." "You're welcome." Then he stood up and helped me up since my body was still processing the series of events, heck my head was processing what the heck just happened with being hit with lethal weapons and all. " Now let's start over, welcome my name is Hamato Yoshi but you can refer to me as Splinter and these are my sons" he said with his voice being calm and steady as he spoke "Leonardo, Donatello,Michelangelo, and Raphael." They all waved friendly, we'll all but Raphael who just stood there and glared at me, but I know by the look in their eyes that they were very suspicious and untrusting of me. I mean why wouldn't they, I still plan on betraying them in the long run but for now I needed to keep my cover. "Hi." I said along with a small wave, then out of nowhere Mikey popped up in my face and started rambling "Hi, wow I never meet a girl mutant before I didn't know that Shredder even mutated girls but I guess I was wrong. What's your name?" looking at me expectingly with his dopy light blue eyes "Ara." I said "But some people refer to me as Nightshade." "Why Nightshade?" "trust me, you don't want to find out, especially if you find out the hard way." He laughed nervously and started to backing up and behind Leo, Leo started to casually walked towards me. "Welcome to our home make yourself comfortable." "or leave." Raph said very rudely god what was his damage, though I understand why having a stranger, let alone the enemy, into his place of sanctuary, his fortress of solitude. Though I was going to go against them, it hurts a little inside that he isn't as welcoming as their brothers. But still I can't let something like that get in the way, especially since when I'm finished his insides will be stuffed and mummified.

Anyway I hade to get him on my side to really feel the taste of pure ecstasy of finally getting shredder's approval, something I have always wanted since Tiger Claw tries to knock me down every chance he got. So what if it meant faking my trust and betraying the people that let me into their home without background checking me first, hey should have thought of that. But in the end it's not gonna be my fault.......... At least not entirely

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