Chapter 13

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"I could've died!" Donnie yelled in my face as he goes on and on about how I could've choked him to death or broken his windpipe and blah blah blah. "But I didn't, don't get stuck in the past. Do you know how many times I almost killed Hikari?" "37." She said as she looked up from her current project "You almost killed me 37 times." "So, you're still alive aren't you?" I turned to Donnie "And you?" They both looked at each other then at me with a raised eyebrow, I rolled my eyes at them and left the lab. I walked into the living room and went into the dojo. I checked to make sure nobody was in there, once the coast was clear I walked to the middle of the room and went into scorpion pose with my leg extended to the ceiling and my head facing my leg. I was balanced and centered which is why I like to think in this pose.
My mind drifted to the moment with Raphael, have I been holding it in for so long that the first person I see, the person I think I hate but then again I may not, I spill everything to. I've been so reserved and kept things to my self for so long it's actually kind of scary that I told somebody about these things. Raphael seemed to understand, like in his own way he knew what I was going through, he listened he didn't talk much but I felt he didn't need to say much.
I was in deep thought when I heard low whispering, I let go of my leg and rolled around my neck to hear a short series of cracks. I grabbed my hands and pulled them forward while concaving my back to hear another series of cracks then I bent myself into a back bend dropping to my elbows and kicking my legs over so I was laying flat on my stomach. I looked to see the turtles looking at me like I was the most strange thing in the world, I mean they were turtle ninjas. I looked at them confused and sat up "What?" Leo came up to me and said "How can you do that without breaking your bones?" I shrugged "It just comes naturally, I guess. Nothing special really." "Doesn't that hurt?" Donnie asked fascinated by my flexibility "No, like I said it comes naturally." "Come sons and guests we have to train." Splinter's voice made me jump a little 'Oh yeah we have to train yippee.' To be honest I actually enjoyed not training every minute of the day like when I was with Shredder but I loathed doing it because it was always 'Your doing it wrong' or 'That wasn't very effective, put more muscle into it.' Or 'Use the force my daughter.' Okay maybe not that last one but you get my point, anyway we sat down in front of Splinter. As he started to speak I zoned out yet listening to what he said at the same time.
When the turtles stood up I realized I fully zoned out in the middle of his speech then we started doing partner combat. I stood up as well and saw that Hikari was with Mikey and that Donnie was with Leo which left me with Raph. I just kind of stared at him for a moment before getting up and prepping into position with my hands in fists on the same level as my lips, my hips facing the corner, and my heels lifted slightly putting more pressure on the balls of my feet making me able to shift from position to position much easier. He did the same thing, standing about two feet away from me with a small smirk on his face "Ready when you are." I said licking my lips "Please I'm always ready." He replied deepening his smirk, then he took the first swing and I quickly dodged it by ducking under his fist and I quickly squatted down swinging my leg from under him making him fall backwards on his shell but as soon as he got down he quickly jumped to his feet and we started to circle each other giving each other smug looks then as if we were in sync we started a routine of punches and kicks.
    I saw him put all of his energy into fighting me and it was, oddly, pleasing. With the sweat dripping down his face and the grunts from fighting me, 'Imagine that in a bedroom setting.' 'Stop dirty side of my mind and fight!' While I was fighting the dirtiness tainting my mind, Raph managed to take me down and managed to fall on my ass like a dimwit. I looked up at him as he had a smug look on his, 'Your definitely like him above you or do you prefer him on top of you?' 'Stop you dirty mind I need to focus!' "Hey you need help?" He said snapping me out of my thoughts leaning over with his hand out offering to help me up, he looked at me with a soft look in his beautiful green eyes and an adorable half smile. I felt the blood in my body rushing to my face and I looked away and started to get up on my own "I'm good." I shifted my torso from side to side to stretch my muscles "You shouldn't space out during a fight." He said "I don't usually but I had a lot to think about ." I walked over to the rest of the group and Raphael shortly followed, Hikari came up to me "Well, the Great Pyramid of Giza was finally knock down for once." I glared at her and she stepped back a little bit. I rolled my eyes and I heard a small chuckle coming from Raphael, 'Why does it seem like everything he does gets me going all of a sudden?'

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My stomach growled with such a rage it scared the ice cream kitty into hissing at me. "Why don't you eat some of the anchovy, garlic, and ice cream pizza?" Mikey said with his face stuffed with the grotesque meal, I almost gagged
Smelling it all the way from the couch. Just when I was close to vomiting whatever was in my stomach Donnie screamed loudly "Ara!." I walked to him and said "Whatever can not be worthy of scream-"

"You can finally leave."

The picture is the position Ara is in at the beginning.

Sorry for taking so long, I still love you.😍🦄

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