Chapter 9

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    A/N: I just want to let you guys know that I will be including TMNT headcannons from ones I find on Pinterest and Tumblr. Like there is a subtle one in here. Also on the picture/video thingy I will include it in case you don't recognize it. There probably not be one EVERY chapter but for the most part there will be a headcannon no problem. Enjoy this chapter my loves.

It has been a total of three days since the arrival of Ara and Hikari.
So far it has been very uncomfortable and frustrating for everybody except Mikey, he seems to be the only totally unaffected by the new arrangements.
    Of course there was the many escape attempts by the girls, all ending up in failure, then there was the constant arguing between Raphael and Ara over the smallest of things like what they wanted to watch or Ara's complaining over their living arrangements and how she would like to stick her foot (and numerous other things) up a very uncomfortable place, two in fact, and though Mikey tries his best to place their anger away from each other and at him instead, sadly, it doesn't work. In fact it annoys everybody even more make them even more on edge.
    It was time for their morning training session and as Ara enters the dojo Raphael stomps over to her "This is a sacred place, we don't need you tainting it." Ara, though she tries appear as calm as possible, struggles to keep up her collective persona she shows signs of anger seeping through like her pupils turn to thin silts "Oh, well since we don't have a proper training faculty I thought we could join you." she looked back only to see Hikari was sleeping on the couch upside down with drool dripping down her face. "I said I thought WE could JOIN YOU." Ara said a little louder hoping to get her attention but only earned a snore and a twitching of her nose and ear. She sighed shaking her head "I swear I'm gonna kill her one day, one day."  she said Raphael laughs in her face she glared at him and soon as she heard Master Splinter calling them she entered hitting Raphael's shoulder with her's, Raph turned and glared at her as he returned to his brothers who are sitting down. Out of very little respect Ara sat down as well, Master Splinter stood in front of the group and when he saw Ara he sent a small grin towards her in which she replied with rolling her eyes. "Today we learn the art of knowing your opponent with just a glimpse of their technique." he turned with his back now facing them "Ara why don't you help me with showing them what I mean." "But it wouldn't be fair." Master Splinter turned his head, with his back still facing them, just enough that he could see them from the corner of his eye "How so?" he said as if he was challenging her, by standing up Ara knew she was accepting his challenge "Well first of all I was trained by Shredder so most likely you know his style of combat but I don't know yours which will make it an uneven fight." "Ah, but the point of the fight is for you to learn my style by observing it in combat and just because you were trained by Shredder doesn't mean that you haven't added bits of your personality in it." with that Splinter aims to hit her neck chop like before she catches his arm.

The fire has been ignited.

Ara starts with a roundhouse kick towards his head but grabs it then flips her over and she lands in a squat like position with her leg out. She stands back up keeping on her toes as she throws punches that are easily dodged but when master splinter throws one she goes down and trips him but, again, easily regains his fight stance and kicks her in her, um well, lady parts, which by the way hurt just the same. While she is slightly taken aback by the unusual but effective defense splinter punches her in the gut and finishes it off with an uppercut landing her on the ground.
Loudly Raphael laughs mockingly which earned him a punch in the gut from Master Splinter and you audibly hear him lose him breath from it. Ara continues to lay there, out of good sportsmanship Master Splinter holds out his hand offering to help her get up "No, no let me lie here in shame and frustration." she brushed away his hand as she got up and regained her composure and walked back towards the group with her head held up in superiority and crossed her arms and subtly sent daggers at Raphael who smirked with arrogance at her and turned her head towards master splinter for his analysis on the fight. "Now what I have learned about Ara's fighting in the few moments we were in combat, " Raphael chuckled "is that, yes, she is a heavy hitter and sneaky, much like the Shredder, but she uses her agility and speed to her advantage any chance she got." he continued " now Ara what did find out?" she cleared her throat and ran sucked her teeth "Well first, since you both have been taught by the same sensei, you and The Shredder have similar techniques but you have more of a conscious when it comes to combat, basically you don't killer or murderous drive like Shredder. Which, personally, I think makes you more vulnerable to your enemy."
Master Splinter was slightly taken aback by her answer he raised his eyebrows and said "Hm, interesting comparison." turns to face the group " We may be taught a certain way or technique but as we continue to use we end up adding something of our own to make it more comfortable with ourselves and who we are." he continues "It is usually recognizable within the first minutes but there is some situations where it changes constantly throughout the entire battle." He turns back around "Since this is a technique that you can't practice in the dojo since you guys are quite familiar with your fighting styles, but make sure to include it when you guys topside, that's all for now." As the turtles headed out of the dojo "Raphael stay." Raphael turned and walked towards his sensei to face him "Yes sensei." Master splinter turns to face him eye to eye "What you did today was uncalled for, rude, and unwelcoming. If you ever do something like that again you will be punished." He said "I realize it's a very new and strange predicament for all of us but you don't go about by making our guests feel uncomfortable. Understood?" Raphael hung his head in shame and said barely audibly "Yes sensei." And turned and enter the den where his brothers were sitting around the T.V watching Space Heroes and plopped down next to Mikey. He crossed his arms in a childish manner and watched along with them.
When Ara got of the dojo she pulled Hikari off the couch making sure she landed with a large thud. "Ow, what the hell man, what was that for?" she exclaimed out before checking to see Ara looking at her with her eyebrow arched and a slightly pissed off expression "Excuse you?" "Uh, I-I didn't know that was you uh I mean..." she leaned down "Don't you ever speak to me like that again." she stood back up and walked to the arch that is between the home and the sewer tunnel.

    I stood there for a moment just thinking 'I feel just as much of a prisoner as i was with shredder. i sat down with my knees to my chest and rested my head on top and closed my eyes wondering what my life has come to. why does it seem like everytime my life seems to be in some order something always has to mess it up. ugh! My life is so irritatingly complicated and sometimes I just wish it would end already, I wish somebody would take it and be done.
The worse part is I can't tell anybody I feel this way, I would feel shameful and embarrassed and be seen as weak. I have worked too hard to make myself appear emotionless or full of rage and I'm not going to risk it. "Are you okay?" I whip my head around to find Mikey standing there with a look of worry plastered on his face "I'm fine, what do you want?" I stood up and faced him "I just wanted to make sure you were alright." He said and offered a small smile. "Also Donnie called you and Hikari to show you guys something." His smile grew flashing his pearly white row of teeth. I wish I could smile like that, without a care in the world thinking everything is alright, if only.
        I walked into what I assumed was Donnie's lab and the first thing i saw was Hikari fangirling over all the equipment and devices that i guess were made by him. He came towards us "Hey, I called you guys because as a safety precaution Leo wanted me check you guys." Excuse him? I raised an eyebrow at him searching his face for an explanation. He was confused by our expressions when his eyes popped and his face turned red at realization of how sexually that sounded "I'm just scanning you with my computer, I-I mean....." He face palmed at his response, Hikari just giggled at his embarrassment "I'm using my computer scanner to check for any tracking devices or anything else that to lead The Foot to us." He sighed. Quickly he typed some computer keys and a beam of green light scanned over us one by one "Scan completed, 100% clear." "Can I leave now." "Sure." He said, after I left I heard Hikari asking him a million and one questions about his lab and him responding excitedly. Finally someone she can nerd out with that actually cares.
        I walked in on the guys talking to the human I first met on the first day I was here, excuse me captured and imprisoned here. My mistake. She was laughing at what ever Mikey did while Raphael smacked him in the head. The girl glanced in my direction and a scared expression immediately clouded her face. I felt an unpleasant feeling when she looked at me like that. "Hey." She muttered in my direction, "Hello." I deadpanned trying a push aside the sickly feeling. After that I just walked past them and sat on the couch looking the place. 'This place is quite a dump.' I thought 'better get used to it I'll be here a LONG time.' I sighed. 'A frustratingly long time.'

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