Christmas Special

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Christmas SLASHCROSS Special!

Hikari's POV

"Merry Christmas!" The human girl yelled out. She entered the room with the boy in the hockey mask as they held a box of pizza with a decorative ribbon on top of it.
The other turtles gathered around them and started thank them as they took a bite of the pizza, a sight of delight could be heard from them. Me and Ara were pretty confused why they had brought pizza, and mostly Ara because I don't even know if she's ever had a Christmas before.
"What are you guys doing? What's with the Christmas crap?" She asked, even confused she still had that flat tone in her voice... I sighed and sat down on the couch to watch some of the old 90's anime on the tv, some just being sailor moon. I honestly just wanted to ignore their rambling about the cursed holiday and leave me in peace.
"It's a holiday to celebrate the time of giving and sharing, and being together with family!" The girl said, I think her name was April? To be honest I knew about Christmas and the celebration traditions of this holiday, I just didn't want to participate in it and I think Ara could see that when she looked at me. My eyes were filled with burning hatred for the holiday because every year was worse than the last one..
"Christmas time is here and so are presents!" I sang happily. I sat in front of the small run-down tree in this run-down apartment complex I call home, within the living area as I placed string popcorn around the small tree, placing my paper folded star on top as I prance around in my pajamas. Mom was down in the kitchen making dinner with whatever we had left, and Dad was out to work like he said he does.. But I know all he does is owe money, that's all that ever comes up.
"Hikari? Can you help me to set up the table?"
"Yes mama!" I called as I skipped to the small dinning room table to set up the slightly cracked plates. Some were fixed up with duck tape from dads last outrage from no embers meal. He said he wanted a feast made for a king and all we had were leftover rice, peas, and mashed potatoes.. He's a picky father..
I was about to set the small fake flower in the water pot when the door slammed open to dad, cans of beer were in a small plastic bag and his face flushed.. He was drunk again, he must of went drinking with a couple of friends after work, or he must of had a bad work day and decided to drink his problems when he knows he'll just cause more problems..
Starting with us...
"Tsukimi?! Where is the dinner!!" He yelled drunk, he stumbled around before reaching the kitchen where mom was. The kitchen and dinning room was separate so he couldn't reach me, but I had to watch as he beat my mom with a beer bottle.. Small trails of blood ran down her pale face as she cried out for me to run. I did as I was told an dropped the water pot with the flower in it as it shattered into pieces of glass shards..
Dad must of heard me and ran after me slowly since he was wasted. With my heart racing a small feet taking me around the apartment I hid in the jacket/broom closet by the front door as I slid the door shut, but I opened it so I could see through the crack of the door..
He looked for me everywhere and kept yelling at such a loud tone, anger.... I silently cried to myself so he would hear me.
"You little brat! Where the heck are you!?! COME OUT HERE RIGHT NOW" I made the mistake of letting out a loud cry because before I knew it I was being dragged by my hair to the living room where he smashed the small Christmas tree and burned me with his lighter..
Every year was worse, and soon we stopped celebrating.. I had no friends to hide out with till it was over, nobody in the neighborhood to call for help from, it seemed as if everyone wanted to stay out of the affair and not help at all.. It was my worst Christmas..
~Flashback over~
April and her other human friend were yammering about the holiday and watching Christmas specials all day, have some nice warm pizza and probably go out to relax. I was starting to get irritated by this because I was griping my paws as I dug my sharp nails deep inside them, small traces of blood came out as I held my tight grip.. Ara came over and placed her elbow on my head to relax on me..
"Calm down firecracker, the day will be over and you can stop hearing about this Christmas they're talking about.. Though I can't help but be a little interested by this holiday, don't you?" She asked me. I bit down on my lip.
"Christmas is nothing but a bunch of bs! Why should I be interested by the holiday??" I asked her in an angry tone.
Mikey came over with two slices of cheese pizza, probably one of them was for me because he smiled at me. He obviously didn't noticed my bottled up anger because he kept poking the slice of greasy food at my fur, which was my cheek.
"Hey Hikari, don't you want one? It's your favorite! C'mon I know you want to have a slice, just trying and enjoy today--" I shot up from my seat and glared.
"I don't want anything right now... I'm not in the mood of celebrating!" I snapped. Ralph seemed angry at yelling at his brother and pulled me by my jacket.
"What's your problem? He didn't say anything wrong he was just offering you a slice!"
"Well maybe he should of noticed that I didn't want any!"
"But that doesn't give you to right to yell at my brother! What problem do you have with Christmas-"
"Everything is wrong with it!! Where were the people I needed when I was about to die by the hands of my old man huh?! Why should I give and share when nobody is willing to save my fur when I'm about to die!!" I screamed. The entire room went silent. Ralph let go of my jacket roughly, though I had not noticed that I was crying at this point.
I felt the hot tears hit my hands as I then ran off before Mikey could yell out to bring me back....
God I'm so stupid, why the fluffing heck would I just do that?!
Ara's POV
I watched at Hikari ran off and out of the sewers crying.. I walked towards Ralph and slapped him hard in the face.
"What the heck was that for?!"
"That's for making her cry.." I snarled at him.
"It's not my fault she has issues"
"Issues?? She just explained her entire backstory to you and you think it's just some small issue? She probably hates this holiday for that exact reason" I told him. Before I knew what happened Mikey pushed in between us and pulled us apart from killing each other.
"Would you two stop it!.. I'm going to go look for Hikari, don't wait up" Mikey left and the room was silent once more. I know how Hikari is and her entire life, heck she's easy to tell things so I could hardly think that she could keep a secret if sworn not to do so. I couldn't be there to help her out, but I guess Mikey was doing my job for me.
~Time Skip~ Mikey's POV
"Hikari! Where are you?! I'm sorry about what my bro said, just please don't hate me!" I ran all over the city, the nearby sushi joint, the abandoned amusement park, the roof of the movie theater, I looked almost everywhere.
I didn't mean for her to run off like that, I just thought that since she maybe haven't had a Christmas.. Well I thought I could help her enjoy it. But I guess when she yelled at Ralph she already knew about it, just not a very happy one. What even happened to her back then? Was it like that every year?
"Man.. I'll never find her.. Wait! I forgot that Donnie tagged her!" I took out the device that Donnie gave us when Hikari got tagged and was able to find where she was, and I felt a little stupid too... She was right above me. I guess I should of had noticed since I heard crying.
I jumped up the roofs and made it towards where she was. She was a crying mess, her face was covered in wet tears, he eyes red and swollen.. And I could faintly see that she had been clawing on her arm. I took the opportunity to jump at her and grab her by the arm before she could see me and then run off.
"Mikey?! What- how did you find me?!"
"Remember? Donnie had you tagged when we were off on our last mission" She nodded before looking down to her feet sadly. I sat next to her and placed my hand on her shoulder.
"I'm sorry if I got you angry Hikari, I didn't know that you had a horrible Christmas" She looked at me and wiped her eyes.
"No.. I shouldn't of had yelled at you.. I just didn't notice that you were trying to help" From close up I could tell how slightly adorable she was, her soft fur shined from the bright moonlight and her eyes were like stars. Hikari looked back at me and I blushed, taking out a wrapped up present made of newspaper I passed it to her.
"For me?"
"Open it, I didn't get the chance to give it to you" She opened the news rapping and in it was the slice of cheese pizza I was gonna give her a while back. She smiled and hugged me.
"Thanks Mikey, I love it" she said and took a bite of it as we laughed.
3rd POV
When the two got back Hikari was carried back by Mikey after she cried and fell asleep in his arms. From the living area you could see a smirking Ara and Leonardo from the couch, Ralph asleep on the floor, Donnie having a slice of pizza with April and Spike eating his holiday present which were some tasty leafs.
"Did you two have fun?" Leonardo teased, Mikey blushed and glared at his brother.
"Don't even try, and what about you Ara? Did you and Ralph make out~" before he could finish Ara's shoe was thrown to his face as she blushed furiously.
"Shut it..."
What nobody noticed was a smiling bear girl who pretended to sleep as she listened to their bickering with a small smile.. Overall it was her best Christmas

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 24, 2016 ⏰

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