Chapter 14

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"You can finally leave."

     Donnie said, Ara's eyes gleamed 'Is he being serious? ' she suddenly looked at Donnie with suspicion and folded her arms raising an eyebrow "What's the catch?" "Well...." He scratched the back of his head 'I knew it.' she  "I'd have to tag you." "Like a dog." "Not exactly but-" "No thanks, not interested." And Ara turned around to exit the lab but was stopped by the hand of Donnie "Are you sure, I mean you talk about leaving and everything and I thought you'd jump at the opportunity to finally go." She brushed his hand off her shoulder "But you don't trust me enough to leave and not tell Shredder about you guys whereabouts." He looked at the floor, she sighed

"It's okay, I don't trust me either. Besides why would I leave this comfy sewer home you got here." She said being half sarcastic and half genuine.

"Well, if you change your mind, just let me know." He said with a small grin and she grinned back saying

"I will."

   And she left the lab to find Raph playing the pinball and Mikey right beside him giving loud and unnecessary commentary. A ringing sound came from the machine indicating Raph got the new high score, "Come on dude that was so not fair." Mikey whined "How was that not fair? Face it Mikey I got the new high score." Raph held a cocky smirk on his face until he came eye to eye with Ara. "Oh hey Ara." He said with his cheeks tinted a slight pink "Hey guys." "Whah-ssup, dude??!!!!" Mikey yelled and grabbed Ara into a giant bear hug, she immediately tensed up in his embrace. Raphael walked up to them and Mikey pulled himself off of Ara but still had a cheesy smile on his face. Ara and Raphael's faces were tinted a vibrant shades of pink and looking at each other somewhat lovingly, Mikey looked at both of them and his smile grew more mischievous "I have to, uh, feed ice cream kitty. She's very hungry." And he storms off and hides behind the counter to observe them.


"So...... uh thanks. For telling me about that stuff, though you didn't have to."

"Just don't talk about I don't exactly want to relive those moments." Ara said with a humorless laugh.

"Yeah guess not."

  Raph and Ara stayed silent for a second, avoiding each others eyes. Then Ara took a deep breath and held out her hand. "Truce." He looked up at her with confusion written on his face. "We didn't exactly start off on the right foot but-"

  Raph grabbed her hand and shook it, "Truce."

They stood there for a moment looking into each others eyes, with grins on their faces. But the moment quickly shattered when Leo came into the room, Ara and Raph quickly took their hands apart and looked in the opposite directions. Leo came between them and asked "Where are Donnie and Mikey?" "I'M HERE!" Mikey jumped up behind the counter but covered his mouth when he saw Ara and Raph, who were glaring at him, and he slowly went back behind the counter. "Is there a reason why you were behind the counter?" Mikey came from behind the counter and opened his mouth to respond but was cut off by leo "Actually never mind." Donnie and Hikari walked out of the lab and towards where the others were. "Donnie, Hikari we have to go, the Purple Dragons are set to rob the Chinese museum. Let's go." he said and everybody, including Ara, left the home. Donnie stopped Ara before she could leave the homey sewer "You can't leave, you're not tagged." Ara scoffed "But I know the Purple Dragons like the back of my hand, I could help." "Sorry but you have to stay."Donnie said.

"Hikari gets to leave and I don't." Ara retaliated.

"She's tagged." Donnie said before he left

  Ara went back to the lair "Sorry I have a bit to much dignity to be tagged again." She paused thinking back to when she was first with shredder.


"Stay still you stupid child!" Tiger Claw said as he struggled to tie up Ara and he forced his giant filthy paw over her mouth which she immediately bit, inserting a dangerous poison into his system.

Stockman was loading a serum into a syringe that will be used to tag Ara, when he turned to see a bitten Tiger Claw scratching Ara with his giant claws. Stockman almost dropped the syringe but quickly caught it before it hit the ground and set it aside. "Tiger Claw we have to get you help." Stockman said shakily

"Why now?!" Tiger Claw said irritably.

"Because she bit you and cobra venom is very potent," Stockman said while getting a suction device "We have to suck it out or else you will die in," he looked at his watch "seven minutes."

While they worked on sucking out the poison, Ara worked through getting out of the ties but before she could finish Tiger Claw came back and grabbed her by the neck letting his claws seeping in her neck enough for blood to be drawn. "You almost to kill me stupid brat." he gripped his hands tighter around her neck "Almost." and let her go, she coughed and tried to restore breath back in her lungs.

  During her coughing fit, Stockman had quickly injected her with the tagging serum causing her to wince. When he took out the needle, she stood up stumbling upon herself and tried to leave the room but as she made it to the exit but before she could cross the threshold Tiger Claw stood in front of the door.

  He towered her by at least two feet and he looked down at her with such disgust it almost made her want to shrivel up right there. She looked at him for the first time and he put on a self righteous smile and lowered himself down to her height.

"Welcome to Hell, nuisance."



Before I knew it I was back inside their home, I guess time flies when you're recalling devastating and traumatic childhood memories.

I walked to see Raph's door was open and there was Spike, chewing on a leaf and chillin'. I walked in and lowered myself to Spike's level and looked at me straight in the eye. I know it may sound crazy but it felt like he knew everything and saw through all the bullshit I was putting up yet he understood why I did it. 'You're officially losing your mind.'  "Do you like music spike." I asked, it looked like he nodded and before I knew it we were lip-synching vigorously to whatever was playing on this radio I found in donnie's lab. I don't know why but I felt a small sense of freedom that I hadn't felt in a long time. Suddenly the radio host was back to announce the next song

"Ladies get ready put your hands on knees and pop your booties because we're about to play Speaker Knockerz "Flexin and Finessin" play it DJ Nicky."

Before I knew it electronic trap beat was playing followed by the repeated words flexin' and finessin. At that moment I was not caring about anything so I danced according to lyrics and did what the radio host said and started popping my booty. I was not paying attention to what was around me, so it was near the end of the song when I turn around to see the turtles, the human girl, a human guy with a painted mask over his head, and Master Splinter.

When the song ended, I quickly turned off the radio and could feel the heat rising to my face and all could think to myself was


A/N: Sorry I haven't updated in while (two months) it's just with summer vacation and watching my little cousin I haven't had time to write. I tried to show a different side of Ara, a more carefree and fun side of her so I hope you liked it. Make sure to comment and vote on my story, i'd really appreciate.

"Wannabe" Spice Girls

"Victorious" Panic At The Disco

"Cuckoo" Adam Lambert

"Addicted To My Ex" M-City J.R.

"Flexin and Finessin" Speaker Knockerz

"Broccoli" D.R.A.M

"Mr. Nice Watch" J.Cole

These are some of the songs I've been religiously listening too on repeat lately. If you want to listen to them as you read that would be amazing.

See you next chapter unicorns!!!!

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