Prologe part 2

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Hikari's POV

I sat in the corner of the torn up living room I between the run down couches, my body battered up and slightly bleeding from the mouth. Honestly I couldn't move any part of my body fearing if my father were to come back again and beat me once more, the thought of it gave shivers down my spine..

We lived a slightly poor life because my father had owed a huge amount of debt, even though he never paid it off we moved a lot. My father was an antique stealer and stool priceless items to gain money, my mother didn't enjoy it at all. As a matter a fact she married him because she did what she had to do to earn her freedom.. As a child she told me she was owned by a slave owner and forced to marry my father, pretending to love him with her life.. I could see when father leaves the front door and his car, that he stole, drove away she would cry in her room and pray to Kami that things would get better for us.. So far nothing has gone her way..

'God.. Kami or whoever god you are.. Please help us..' I thought

The front door down the hallway of our apartment slammed opened to my father with a panicked look on his face. He held in his had a shinny necklace that was the color of shining violet. Just looking at it made me want to touch it. My thoughts were cut off with my father pulling me by my collar as I screamed, forcefully carrying me to my small empty room. He quickly threw me into the closet and stared at me with a stern look.

"Stay here and don't move from this spot you hear me young lady! Don't move or else!" He growled and I nodded as he closed the door. I looked around the closet as there was barely any clothes but a few torn up shirt and pants that I had previously owned in the years, I still wear them now. I put my hand down onto the hardwood flooring to feel a slight pinch.

Removing my hand I saw it was the necklace that father had brought into the house just a while ago.

'It's so pretty...' Picking it up I tied it onto my neck and let out a small ghost like smile until..


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN YOU DONT HAVE IT!!!" I heard a gruff voice in the living room. I know I shouldn't move from this spot but I really wanted to know what was going on.. 'A quick peek won't hurt right?'

Coming to a final decision I quietly opened the closet door and tiptoed to the door, making sure that nobody saw me I peeked through the crack in the open doorway. My eyes widened in horror at the sight. My mother was being held by her hair by a man in metal, and my father now lies dead on the floor with every last drop of blood flowing out from his lifeless body, broken glass covered the ground.. I couldn't move at all and had to watch the sight before me. Why... Why now? Out of all the times I have to sit here and watch..

"I'll ask again.. Where is the necklace? If you don't tell me I'll take everything precious from you.. Just like I didn't to your worthless, PATHETIC husband of yours" the metal man said.

'Mommy.. No.. Please.. Let her go please..'

"I don't k-know what y-your talking a-about! J-just please.. D-don't hurt my d-daughter!.. My b-baby girl.." She cried.

"Very well... That's why I'll just kill you instead" he said and slashed her head off with his sharp metal claws, falling to floor blood spilled everywhere on the floors, wall, couch and carpets, and the door.. Some had spilled on the mans armor but he didn't do anything but watch.

"N-no... MOMMY NO!!!!" I screamed and slammed the door opened and pounce on the man before me and slammed my small fists on his armor. I knew it didn't do anything but.. I'm just so angry, so upset.. Scared.

"YOU MONSTER!! BRING BACK MOMMY RIGHT NOW!! ITS NOT HER FAULT SO WHY DID YOU KILL HER?!?! BRING HER BACK BRING HER BACK BRING HER BACK- ACK!!" The man slapped me and I my head slammed onto the floor with a large thud, warm blood started to make its way down my battered face as he stood their, staring at the necklace.

"Where did you get that necklace? Tell me and maybe you won't have to suffer"

"Da- I mean F-father brought it in here.. I don't know why... I-it looked so pretty I put it on.." I stuttered. With an intensive glare he walked to me, but as soon as he took that first step I started to run to my room and locked the door. Taking cover into my dark closet I saw through the crack that he shredded it with the metal claws and I could hear the sounds of his clicking feet getting closer, I tried to eliminate the sound of my heavy breathing. The man opened the closet, he towered over me with his dark eyes glaring at me. I didn't want to die today, even though my life wasn't exactly ideal but I didn't want it to end. He continued to stare at me but not with the look of pure evil but like he was analyzing me. "come with me child." And he turned away and walked "aren't you going to come with me or would you rather die." I stumbled to get up and trailed behind him "w-why am I s-still alive?" I said with my voice quivering. "because you could be useful after I make some...changes." My heartbeat multiplied my a million. What does he mean by changes? Will I ever be the same? All these questions were surging through my mind, I stopped dead in my tracks "what kind of changes?" I was nervous about his answer, what if I have to get tattoos and cut off all my hair and be apart of a gang. I don't want to be apart of a gang I can't kill people or ride a motorcycle, heck I can barely ride my bike. After what felt like hours of my mind trying to answer questions I clearly can't answer, he spoke in his deep monotone voice "genetic changes and others, you are now apart of the Foot Clan." I shuddered at the name, I recognized the name because my great great grandfather was the leader back in the day. It was destroyed and dispatched by the Hamato Clan.

Before I knew it we were at an abandoned warehouse, the warehouse was modern but discreet so nobody would guess that there was an evil ninja clan plotting and running a secret operation in there. Not that would be obvious or anything. We entered and as I continued to follow the man, who's name I still don't know yet, passing a various amount of identical ninja robots and mutants. I've heard about mutants in the news but I've never seen any in person, one was a tiger with bounty hunter like gear and an eye patch he growled as I walked causing me to shrink a little in fear and one was a fish with robot legs, which I creepy and weird. Not that I was expecting it to be normal or anything. We walked into a giant laboratory, now being the science and tech nerd I am I literally gaped at this masterpiece that was an A-graded lab. During my moment of awe a big machine full of a greenish blue substance in a giant container, even I have a strong hold on the saying 'curiosity killed the cat' for many reasons I was still fascinated wondering what was in it I walked closer observing it because I've seen anything like it. The machine started whirring and before I knew it I was falling and then I felt a drowning feeling when I hit another surface, then I felt a change everywhere. Luckily I was conscious enough to quickly swim to the surface, I bursted out Little Mermaid style and crawled out, drenched and wait a minute............furry!!! No, no, no, no, no,no, no, no this can't be happening, I can't be a mutant especially a undeniable furry one, I wasn't exactly the cutest girl in school but it was better than looking like deranged and ugly mutant. I saw a small reflective surface and grabbed it and saw that I was a mutant bear person. When I was still looking in the mirror and thinking how much of a freak I was now, I heard somebody walking behind me I turned around and saw the man I back a few inches away from him not knowing what he could since he'd done this to me. "I will be your sensei Master  Shredder you will no longer go back to your former life, welcome to the Foot Clan."

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