Chapter 5

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*Paisyn's POV*

"Explain. Everything." Michael growled, pulling two chairs from the dining room table.

I told him everything, from the day at practice, to school, and through the movie.

"I told you not to see him. And I meant it."

"Michael, I know. But you don't get to decide every little move in my love life."

"Love life? What love life?  You're 15!"

Ignoring him I pushed the chair back to its spot and went upstairs to take a shower. Leaving Michael alone to his thoughts.

My phone buzzed, two messages from Peter, one from another number I didn't recognize. I deleted Peter's messages, checking the other. The message, from Ashton, informed me that he would pick me up for school in the morning.

You mean every girl in school that's in love with Ashton will see me, an irrelevant girl from Grade 9, getting out of his car?

What has my life come to?

I thumbed a quick text back before pulling on my zebra onesie and hopping into bed. My lips curved into a smile as the memories of the last few days washed back into my mind. Only seconds later my eyes fluttered closed, leaving myself to a peaceful sleep.

Around 5:30 am, my alarm sounded with its usual annoying wake up signal. Rubbing the crust from my eyes, and the drool from my face, I rolled to the side of the bed. The sun was barely beginning to show any signs of appearing later. Turning on the taps I hopped in the shower, cleansing my body with the steaming water.

Once I had dried off, my wet footsteps still lingered on the white tile. I blew my hair dry, making sure it was bone straight before pacing to my closet. Looking around at the enormous walk-in, I tried to decide on what to wear for the day. Remembering that Ashton was bringing me to school today, I was suddenly in a good mood.

Grabbing my grey beanie, vintage style UK flag tank, dark wash skinnies, and navy flats, I quickly changed. Looking my appearance over in the mirror I smiled and tugged on my hair from under the beanie, giving it the perfect look.

Waiting downstairs by the door I listened for the engine of Ashton's car in the driveway. Once the familiar rumble came into earshot, I grabbed my bags and left outside. Ashton took my bags, chucking them in the back seat. I blushed, catching Ashton gazing at me from the drivers side.

"What? I-is there something on my face? Oh my gosh I feel so stupid. Hold on I'll get it, do you- uhm do you have a mirror?" I scrambled around his car, hiding my face as much as possible. "Paisyn, stop. There's nothing on your face." Ashton spoke quietly, taking my hand in his as he backed out of my driveway. "Well then what is it? What were you staring at?" I really was clueless. "It's just, you're so beautiful. I can't help myself." My face turned a light shade of pink as Ashton squeezed my hand reassuringly. "Oh."

The rest of the drive was in silence, occasional conversation or laughter about some lame person babbling on the radio. We pulled into the all too familiar parking lot as Ashton turned off the engine. Our hands separated as he retrieved our bags from the backseat. Getting out of the car, Ashton ran around to my side, opening up the door for me and helping me out, closing it behind me.

There they were. All the jealous girls, Grades 9 to 12, it didn't matter. Their eyes were glued to us, as Ashton wrapped my small hand in his, intertwining our fingers. Girls snickered as we passed, guys tried to keep the attention of their girlfriends to continue the routine make-out sessions.

Ashton led me over to a group of his friends, doing hand shakes and 'man-hugs'. "Who's she?" A blonde guy in Grade 12 asked, signaling to me. "Paisyn, she's in Grade 9."

The guys around the group all snickered, not trying to hide them, being as I was standing right in front of them. "A Grade 9?  Really Ash? That's the best you could do. You wanna get laid and you expect her to do it? Good luck to ya." The same guy trailed off, dragging the rest of the group along as they left into the building.

"Don't listen to them okay. They're all assholes. That's all." I nodded, Ashton squeezing my hand as he spoke through clenched teeth. "Okay."

The rest of the day drug on, slower and slower. Brooke and Caitlyn hammered me with questions at lunch. How was the date? Have you kissed? Have you done anything more? Do you want to? How'd he get your number? I stopped them, all three laughing as I finished the unanswered questions. "Guys, calm down. He's just a guy." I managed, recovering from laughs. "What! Just a guy? Are you insane?" Caitlyn screamed. I shrugged, as the final bell rang, dismissing the roaring crowd of people. "See you later!" She called, running down the hallway towards where she had parked.

I turned towards the sidewalk, once outside, and began my way towards home. "Where are you going?" I heard Ashton say from behind me, causing me to jump. "Home." I mumbled, shoving my hands in my pockets. "Not walking you're not, come on I'll drive you." He insisted, sticking his hand out for me to take. I hesitantly took it, agreeing and heading to his car. Once inside, after starting the engine and speeding down the road I finally broke the silence.

"Are you going to talk to him?" I asked, knowing about the band practice after school at Luke's. Ashton nodded, rubbing circles into the back of my hand with his thumb. "Let me know how it goes okay?" I smiled, Ashton leaning over to peck a kiss on my cheek. Saying my goodbyes I left the car, running up the path to the front door. Once again met by Michael, running past me, guitar in hand. I shook my head, chuckling at him.

*Ashton's POV*

"Hey, Mikey. Can we talk for a minute?" I asked as I pulled into Luke's driveway, Michael out of breath from his run here. "Sure, what's up." Michael hopped into the car as I killed the engine. "It's about Paisyn." I started, Michael's face growing hard at the mention of her name.

"What about her." He stated, crossing his arms.

"Okay, listen. I know you don't want us seeing each other, but Michael, I can't stay away from her. I like her too much and we have a great relationship. And she likes me too okay. I would never do anything to hurt her I swear! It would hurt me more than Paisyn if I even tried, which I won't. So please, let us at least have a chance? I don't want to be someone who has to hide behind your back and do everything without you knowing."

"Ashton. You're 18, Paisyn's 15. I know where you're heading with this and I'm not sure that's where Paise is at yet. Just this once. You mess up one time. You hurt her one time. You're dead. Got it." A smile brightened my face as I nodded, agreeing. "Thanks so much Michael, I really do appreciate it and I promise, nothing will happen okay?" He nodded, taking his guitar and heading into Luke's house. I pulled out my phone and sent a quick message to Paisyn.

To: Paisyn<3

We're all clear, no more hiding:)

From: Paisyn<3

Really? That's great:)

From: Me

Paisyn, Will you be my girlfriend?

From: Paisyn<3

Of course:) x

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