Chapter 15

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*Paisyn's POV*

~Last day of school~

Today was my last day of Grade 9, and sadly, Ashton's last day of high school. I don't know what I'm going to do without him for the next 3 years, not seeing his face every couple of hours, being able to talk to him between classes. It's going to be hard but that's the last thing that's going to split us up. Also, today is mine and Ashton's 10 month anniversary. To be honest I never would've thought that we would've made it this far. My mom had finally calmed down about us dating. She knew how happy I was with him and how he treated me so she was finally okay with it. I wouldn't necessarily say Michael was okay with it yet, but he did a good job of keeping quiet.

I pulled on my t-shirt and put the straightener in the cabinet. After a few minutes the sound of footsteps was heard coming up the stairs. Hands were placed over my eyes, shielding them from seeing anything. "Happy anniversary baby." Ashton let go of me as I spun around. In his hands were a bouquet of beautiful red roses. He handed them to me as I tried to contain my smile which was growing from ear to ear. "Happy anniversary babe. Thank you so much, I love them almost as much as I love you." I stood on my tip toes as our lips connected, blindly setting the flowers on a nearby counter. My legs wrapped around Ashton's waist as he pulled me into him. We separated, placing our foreheads together, smiling. "I love you Ash." "I love you tons more Paise." I pecked a kiss on his nose and he let me down.

I grabbed the roses and turned off the bathroom light, following Ashton to his car. He opened the door for me as I got in the passenger side, slapping my butt playfully as I grazed by him. "Babe, how come there's only 10 roses? Instead of a dozen? Did they miscount at the floral shop?" I questioned curiously. "No, there's one rose for every amazing month I've been in love with you." My face flushed with a rosy pink as Ashton squeezed my hand.

We pulled into the school parking lot, seeing the crown of kids for the last time for 3 months. Ashton and I departed, making my way over to Ashley. "Hey Ashley! Where's Caitlyn?" Her bags were propped up against the wall, but she wasn't here with them. "She went over there to talk to Ashton." Ashley pointed behind me towards the two of them talking by a tree. What were they talking about?

*Ashton's POV*

Paisyn and I departed, making my way over to a nearby tree and pulling out my phone.

To: Caitlyn
Hey, come talk for a sec I need advice!

I looked up after the message, seeing Caitlyn nodding in my direction. She turned around, saying something to Ashley before heading my way. "Hey what's up?"

"I need your advice, you're close with Paisyn. What should I do for our 10 month anniversary tonight? I want it to be something special."

"Well, what are you thinking?"

"I don't know, actually. I've never really done this before. All the other girls I've dated just wanted sex."

"Well, you could take her to a movie, go for a walk in the park, picnic, sunset, I don't know. Just something romantic, she likes that stuff."

"How about a picnic at sunset? I know! I could take her to that old pond out in the field!"

"Perfect! She'd love it!"

"Thanks. Can you help me with something else too?"

"Sure what is it?"

"I need you to give Paisyn a ride home and stay with her at her place and help her get ready and everything. I'll be there around 7. Can you do it for me?"

"Of course!"

"Thank you so much."

"No problem."

*Paisyn's POV*

Caitlyn was making her way back over, Ashton looked quite happy. "Hey Paisyn!" She greeted me happily. "Hey. What were you and Ashton talking about?" Her face grew blank and she hesitated. "Uh, nothing. It was nothing." She turned away, searching the crowd of kids. "Tell me." My face was hard, I wanted to know what they were talking about. "We were talking about you okay? That's all I'm going to tell you. Oh, and I'm taking you home tonight." The bell rang, ushering everyone inside. Well if Ashton looked happy then I guess they weren't talking about anything bad about me.


"So why are you taking me home instead of Ashton?" I asked Caitlyn as we drove home from school. "He had to go do something right after school." She kept her eyes glued to the road, never looking over at me. Something's up.


We sat on my bed watching TV until Caitlyn finally spoke. "Hey Paise you wanna go see a movie tonight with some friends?" She asked blankly. "Yea sure I guess." I wasn't really thrilled at the fact that Ashton hadn't made any plans for tonight and I was stuck going to the theatre with some friends instead. Not really the idea I had for our 10 month anniversary. "Come on let's get ready." Caitlyn pulled me off of the bed and into the bathroom. She plugged in the straightener and headed to my closet. "Hmm, lets find something for you to wear." After my hair was half way straight Caitlyn called me into the closet. "Here. Put this on." She handed me a strapless white lace dress with a thin brown belt at the waist and brown boots. I put it on and came out to model it for her. "Damn. You look great!" I smiled and let her straighten the rest of my hair. We pinned my bangs back with a French twist. "Alright, the movie starts at 7 so let's go downstairs, Jake's picking us up." Michael was downstairs watching TV, stuffing his face with popcorn. Eating as usual. "Where are you going all dressed up?" Michael said, sarcasm apparent in his tone.

The doorbell rang before I responded. "I'll get it." I called to Michael who had no intention of moving from his spot on the couch anyways. I rolled my eyes and opened the door. "Hey Ash, what are you doing here?" He gave me a quick hug and waved to Michael. "Where are you two going?" He asked suspiciously. Ashton answered for me. "Somewhere special, it's our 10 month. Didn't Paise tell you?" Michael nodded slowly. "Yes she told me." Ashton grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers. "You ready?" I smiled and nodded a yes. "Ashton you better not hurt my baby sister! You two be careful!" Michael yelled to us as the front door slammed shut.

We got in the car and Ashton started the engine, taking my hand once more. "So where are we going?" The curiosity in me was beginning to show. Ashton grinned. "Can't tell you princess, it's a surprise."

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