Chapter 8

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*Ashton's POV*

"No! Not that you little perv!" Paisyn yelled, playfully slapping my chest. "I know, I know." I laid my head down as in shame. "So what do you want to do today?" Paisyn asked, her voice shaking from the mention of the previous subject.

I mean, I know Paisyn's only 15, and I know she's not ready yet. But I don't know when she's ever going to be ready, and I don't know how much longer I can wait.

*Paisyn's POV*

"Babe can I ask you something?" The subject was eating at my insides and I had to know the truth. Whether it was what I wanted to hear or not. "Yea, anything." He sat up, taking my hand in his. "Do you want to have sex?" Ashton's eyes went wide and his mouth hung open and searched for the words to say. "Uh.. U-Uh yea.. I mean when you're ready babe." A smile crossed his face and I knew what he was thinking of.

"But.. What if I'm not ready in time for you. Would you leave me." I studied Ashton's face as his eyes searched mine. "Paise, whenever you're ready I'm ready okay? I'm not going to pressure you into anything you don't want to do." He was absolutely the best boyfriend ever. "Thank you." I leaned in as our lips brush, sending those tingles down my spine that I still get when we touch. Our lips collided, I ran my fingers through his hair, making him moan into the kiss.

"Guess what babe?!" Ashton shrieked like a little kid in a candy store. "What?" I laughed. "Tomorrow's your birthday!" How could I not remember my own birthday? "It is, isn't it." He chuckled at my forgetfulness. "Yep! And I'll be here for every second of it!" Ashton pushed me to my back on the couch and straddled my stomach, tickling me like crazy. "Ash-ton! St-stop it!" I protested between laughs. "Why babe? You don't like it when I tickle you?" "No, but I like it when you do this." I pulled Ashton in for another kiss, our tongues battling for dominance almost instantly.

I tucked my fingers inside the waistband of his pants, inching my way farther down. "Ash, I'm ready." Ashton shook his head and broke the kiss, removing my hands. "No, no you're not." He stared into my eyes seriously, searching them for his answer. "Babe," I started. "No, Paisyn you're not ready, I can tell. I'm not letting you give up something you'll never get back until I know you're completely ready." The seriousness in his voice gave me goosebumps. I swallowed the lump in my throat and shook my head.

Resuming the position we were in, I laid my head in the crook of his neck and flipped through the channels of the tv.


"I think she's waking up.. Doc come here!" Someone yelled from beside me as my eyes fluttered open. I moved my arm to scratch the crust from my eyes, only to discover there were multiple IVs hooked up to me from machines all around my bed. The doctor approached me holding a clipboard as Ashton grabbed my hand. "Okay, miss. Can you tell me your name?" He asked suspiciously, as if he was testing me to see if I would lie. "Paisyn..?" I retaliated. "Do you know where you are Paisyn?" I looked around at my surroundings, white walls, fresh smelling air, bright lights. "A hospital? What's with all the questions? I'm fine!" All of his questions were beginning to aggravate me, and that's the last thing I need right now.

Once the doctor had left the room I turned my body towards Ashton. My mom and Michael sat behind him, all with worried looks painted on their faces. "Why does everybody look so sad?! I'm fine geez!" I tried lightening the mood, but all that was responded were a few fake laughs and grins. "We're sorry honey you just had us worried sick!" My mom piped in from her seat in the back.

I wonder if Michael was still pissed that Ashton didn't leave like he was told.. "Ash, what happened?" He looked relieved that I actually was fine and finally wanted to know how I ended up where I am. "Well, we were watching a movie on the couch like usual. And you fell asleep on my shoulders. I didn't want to wake you so I left you sleeping, and you began wheezing and your breath was shortened. I didn't know what to do so I called an ambulance and your mom and Michael. Why didn't you tell me you had asthma?" Ashton looked sad at the secret I had kept from him. Michael smiled a half smile, in attempt to make me feel better.

"I'm sorry. I haven't had an asthma attack in over 5 years.. I didn't think it would be much of a problem now, but I guess not." I grinned at Ashton, as he pecked a kiss on my cheek. "Michael, you're not mad because Ashton didn't leave are you?" In all honesty, I didn't like it when Michael was mad at me. "Of course not, all I care about is that you're alive and okay." He reached around for a hug, sticking his arm past Ashton's ears, being careful not to hit an IV or machine. "Good, thank you all."

"So, how long have I been in here anyways?" The question entered my mind as I saw a nearby calendar hanging beside the television on the wall. "3 days." My mom stated quietly. Sitting straight up in my bed, I startled everyone with the temper in my voice. "3 days?! You mean I missed my birthday?! Well isn't that just fucking fantastic." I slumped back in my bed, my mom's face turned from sad to astonished as she tried to contain her anger from my vocabulary, considering the situation we were currently in. "Sorry mom."

"It's fine sweetie, you're just upset."

"Babe, it's okay. We're still going to have a birthday dinner and everything. Just like I had planned before. As soon as they let you go okay?" Ashton tried to cool things down with the suggestion. "Okay. Speaking of.. When are they letting me out?" I wondered out loud. "Tomorrow afternoon according to the doctors.

"Alright sweetie, we're going to go.. Get some rest. Love you." "Love you too." My mom and Michael left the room, heading home, tapping the bed by my feet on the way out.

My eyes felt heavy as they dropped closed. My hand held tight in Ashton's. "Babe, I've never been so scared in my life. I thought I was going to lose you." I smiled as much as my tired muscles would let me and rolled my body towards Ashton, motioning for the empty side of the bed. He climbed in behind me, spooning and kissed my neck.

"Paisyn?" He asked quietly, like I would crumble if he spoke any louder. "Uuh?" Was all I could manage, through the sleep that threatened to overcome my body.

"I-I love you."

My Brother's Best Friend (Ashton Irwin/5sos)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu