Chapter 13

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*Paisyn's POV*

From: Ash<3
Jake & Andy are having a bon fire tomorrow night, wanna come?

To: Ash<3
Sure babe(:

*The Next Day*

"Caitlyn, what are you wearing to the bon fire?" My best friend sat across from me, twiddling her fingers in front of her phone deciding what to type. Almost a month ago, Caitlyn and Ashton's best friend Jake started dating. "Um, wear this." Caitlyn stood from the bed and walked over to the closet. She pulled out a black singlet with the batman symbol, blue jean short shorts, and black Toms. I pulled on the outfit, admiring my reflection in the mirror. "How do I look?" I faced Caitlyn, waiting for her opinion. "You look amazing! But.. Hold on." She left into the bathroom, coming out with the yellow bandeau she was recently wearing, in her hands. "Take that tank off and put this on." She suggested. I did as told, emerging from the bathroom minutes later. "Much better."

After both Caitlyn and I's hair was curled, bangs perfectly straight, we waited for the guys to come pick us up. The faint sound of a car door shutting from outside in the driveway startled the two of us. "They're here." Caitlyn stood from the couch, turning off the television. The knocking continued, becoming louder. "Hold on we're coming!" I yelled, grabbing the knob and opening the door. My breath hitched in my throat at the dark figures standing before me. A small squeal escaped from Caitlyn's mouth as one of the figures gripped her hips, throwing her over his shoulders. The other following suit with me. I clenched the back of his shirt, pounding my puny fists into his toned back. "Don't make this any harder than it already is." The broad man whispered harshly. My eye caught with Caitlyn's. Fear and tears were the only things apparent. 'I love you' I mouthed, wiping the tears from my eyes as we were thrown into a dark van. We scurried to the back of the van, gripping each others hands tightly, sobbing. "Where are you taking us." Caitlyn finally spoke up, trying her best to hide how afraid she was.

"Don't worry," The guy behind the steering wheel snickered. "You'll see your precious little boyfriends soon enough. I gripped Caitlyn's hand harder at the thought of them hurting Ashton. "If you hurt him." I started, being interrupted by the intimidating voice. "What. Huh? What are you going to do. You can't do anything about it. And so what if I hurt him, he deserved it." What the hell was this guy talking about? "What are you talking about? What did he do?" The guy smirked into the mirror, obviously enjoying this. "You mean he didn't tell you? Wow. Some boyfriend he is. He's the reason you're even in this mess right now." I faced Caitlyn, seeing that Jake hadn't informed her of the situation either. "Still, what does this have to do with me?!" I yelled, pressing myself into the van doors, increasing the distance between us impossibly more. He didn't answer, only pulled into the driveway of an old beat up building, clearly abandoned.

The two guys exited the van, locking the doors immediately afterwards, making sure we couldn't escape. Caitlyn and I scrambled back up to the front of the van in an attempt to escape from the tall figures. "Get the brown haired one, I got the other." We were thrown over their shoulders once again, being carried into the dull building before us. Once inside, they dropped us to the hard concrete floor, the only lights were caused from the small glow of the light bulb overhead. Ashton and Jake sat on the wall across from us, bruises covering their faces, cuts on their hands. "Ashton!" I yelled, instantly sobbing again. A stinging sensation overcame my cheek as the broad hand of my abductor made contact with it. "Shut it." I tried quieting my sobbing, gasping for air between sobs. The guys whispered over in a corner for a few moments, my ears strained to hear their conversation. I heard enough to know that the man who had slapped me was named Jordan, and the smaller one named Tyler.

Jordan approached me once more, I flinched away as his hands brushed against my cheek, moving a strand of hair behind my ear. His lips came in contact with my ear. "You know you're beautiful, Ashton's a very lucky guy." I trembled, only capable of nodding my head at his words. Ashton spoke up from his side of the room. "Don't fucking touch her Jordan!" His outburst earning him a kick to his stomach. I watched in pain as he wrapped his hands around his torso, forcing my eyes to look away. Jordan stood up angrily, walking towards Ashton. "Well then do you want to explain to your girlfriend why you're all here?!" His voice boomed, echoing through the empty building. Ashton sank back, attempting to make himself smaller to escape the situation we were currently in.

"I'm sorry Paisyn! I love you baby!" Ashton cried. Jordan moved closer to him, Tyler sending me an apologetic look. "Where's my fucking stuff Ashton! You said you'd get it now where the fuck is it!" The voice scared me more than anything had ever. What were they talking about? What stuff? "Ashton what is he talking about?" Anger was beginning to rise inside of me, as much as I didn't want to be mad at him, it was hard. "Nothing Paisyn! I don't want you involved in it okay?" Ashton tried, Jordan staring him down. "Well too late it looks like I already am! Now tell me what the fuck your'e talking about!" My temper was rising, along with my voice. "Drugs!" Ashton yelled. "Drugs! Paisyn we're talking about drugs! Are you happy now?!" The tears stung in my eyes as his words ran through my head.

"How could you?" I whispered angrily through the tears. "I'm sorry baby! I didn't want you involved in this! I'm sorry. Please!" I turned my head to the side, facing a sobbing Caitlyn. She scooted closer, holding me into her side as she comforted me while I wetted her shirt with my tears.

"You see what you fucking did!" Ashton yelled towards Jordan, a loud noise following after, making me sob harder.

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