Chapter 19

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*Paisyn's POV*

"What? What do you mean Peter sent the video?" Ashton's eyes remained on the road in front of him. "Ashton! What the fuck are you talking about?" He slammed on the brakes as we reached Brooke's house. "The video of us. He's the one who sent it." I unbuckled my seatbelt, totally astonished. Peter's the last person I would've thought had done it. "Why. Why did he send it Ashton." His head was in his hands on the steering wheel. "To get revenge." What the hell? Revenge? "Why does he want revenge? Ashton, tell me." He looked up, sorrow in his eyes. "He's in love with you Paisyn." My mouth fell open as he finished talking, my mind processing his words. "What are you talking about? Peter's gay Ashton."

"Paise, he used to be your best friend. And now I bet you don't even know what his sister's name is." Ashton stared back at me, waiting for my response. "He doesn't have a sister.. Does he?" Heat was rising in my cheeks by the moment. Realization had come to me, I'm a terrible friend. "Paisyn she's 2 months old. Her name's Emily." I couldn't believe it, Peter had a new baby sister and I had no idea. "Oh."

"Paisyn you don't give a damn about him anymore! He's been straight for almost a month now and you could care less. He's in love with you and you're completely blindsided. He's getting revenge because you abandoned him. You used to tell each other every thing and now.. Now look at you." Ashton unbuckled his seatbelt, getting out of the car and storming up Brooke's driveway. The bass was thumping from the music being played in the back.

"Ashton stop! Wait!" He turned around, a scowl across his face. To be honest, I don't blame him for being angry. "You're right. I'm sorry. I'm a terrible best friend and a terrible girlfriend. I promise tomorrow I'll go by and talk to him okay? Please. I love you and I don't want either of you mad at me." I connected our lips, feeling Ashton smile into the kiss. "I love you too. Now, lets go partayy!" I giggled at his excitement, it's probably the only free time he's had in a while to do things like this.


The nerves in my body were taking over as I parked the car in Peter's driveway. Taking a deep breath I got out of the car, staring at the brick house in front of me. I walked up the drive, finally reaching the front door. The place seemed so unfamiliar, being as I hadn't been here in a while. My hands were shaking as I knocked on the door. Three knocks. Peter and I's code for him to know it was me. Moments later the door was opened, Peter's mom and who I'm guessing was Emily standing behind it. She shifted the baby on her hips, looking at me with suspicious eyes. "Hi, is Peter home?" She nodded, flicking her head upwards towards the stairs. "Thanks." I mumbled, shuffling past her and making my way to Peter's room.

"Peter?" I pushed the door open, revealing Peter sitting across the room on his computer. He turned around, shock overcoming his face as he saw me. "What the hell do you want." Peter scowled. "I'm here to apologize. I'm sorry Peter. I've been a terrible friend and I'm sorry." Sitting down on the corner of the bed I faced him, waiting for a reply. "No you're not." He turned back to his computer. "Yes I am Peter please listen. I left you and I'm sorry, please forgive me?" "Why should I." Peter retorted, not showing any sign of forgiveness. "Please Peter." "Get the hell out of my house and don't come back." I opened my mouth, finding the words to say. "Go." Was all Peter had to say. I stood up, making my way back downstairs. "Bye, thanks again." I said goodbye to Peter's mom and Emily as I left.


"So he wouldn't even listen?" Ashton held my hand, rubbing circles into it with his thumb. "No, I tried and all he said was to leave. He wouldn't listen to a word I said!" Ashton wiped the falling tears from my face with his free hand. "It's going to be okay baby. Okay?" I nodded. "I really do want to be friends again. I miss our old relationship." He nodded, moving a stray strand of hair behind my ear. "I'll talk to him, just don't worry." My head laid in Ashton's lap while he flipped through the channels on the TV. Ashton ran his hands through my hair, soothing me until I fell asleep.

~Happy 4th everyone! (: It's kind of just a filler but I hope you liked it! Please go Check out my other book! It's in my profile! Thanks~

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