Chapter 6

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*Paisyn's POV*

A smile spread onto my face. Ashton is my boyfriend, and I'm his girlfriend. My first boyfriend.

I could hear Michael outside in the hallway, lugging his guitar into his room. "Stupid damn case." He grumbled, followed by a boom and the sound of things falling. "Shit."

I laid back on my bed, chuckling as Michael continued cussing and yelling across the hall. The door to my room peaked open only a tad. Michael.

"I hope you know I'm only doing this for you. You'll see what I mean. Don't worry." He said blandly, leaving my room and heading back to his. "Doing what? Michael what are you talking about?" I called after him. No answer. Getting off of my bed I slipped on my house shoes, trudging towards Michael's room.

"Michael what are you talking about?" I whispered, tapping the doorframe. "Letting you see Ashton." He stated, bringing my attention back to the conversation.

"Letting me? No. Michael all you've done is tell us we don't have to hide it. It's never been your choice, and it never will be!" My voice rose louder than intended, hearing the floors creek as our mother moved closer.

"What's going on with you two?" She asked, both hands on her hips. "Nothing. We're fine." Michael stood his guitar in the stand, closing the straps around the top. "Are you sure?" We nodded. "Well, alright. Keep your voices down." She eyed me with her last words, before padding back to her room on the other end of the house.

Michael kept fidgeting with his guitar, never looking up to meet my eyes. I shook my head, "You know what? It's not worth it anymore. Just stay out of my life okay?" Turning on my heel I left to my room.

Big brothers, ugh, sometime I wish I didn't have one.

Ashton picked me up for school the next day, being extra sweet and holding my hand even more and tighter than before. I guess word had gotten around somehow because looks were being passed around. People stopping their whispered conversations as we passed by.

Ashton's grip on my hand went from boyfriend, to bone crushing. I winced a little, causing his face to soften as we walked by a group of drooling girls. "I'm sorry baby, I didn't mean to." He lifted my hand, pecking a kiss right in the middle.

How did I ever get so lucky?

Once again the grip on my hand regained power. "Ash," I started, interrupted by Ashton's urgent voice. "Go to class, now. I'll get your lunch for you and bring it okay?" He spun me around quickly, never letting me lay eyes on what he was so freaked out over. "Okay, see you at lunch babe." I called after him, pecking a kiss on his soft lips. "Okay."

"Hey, Caitlyn!" She ran up to me, a worried look planted on her face. Gosh, what's wrong with everybody? "So you mean, you haven't seen it yet?" She asked, biting her thumbnail. "Seen what? Lord what is everybody so freaked out about?" I asked sarcastically, dropping my bag into the empty seat beside me.

"This." Caitlyn pulled out her phone, just as a group of snickering girls entered the classroom, showing me a picture of my locker, with the word 'whore' spray painted onto it. "W-who did it!?"

I practically boiled over with anger.

No wonder Ashton didn't want me seeing this. "We don't know.. But by the way they're acting I'd guess it was one of those." Caitlyn pointed behind me to the crowd of snickering girls. Passing around high fives and laughing.

"Abigail." I spoke harshly. Standing up from my seat and making my way to the crowd.

Abigail Peterson was the most jealous of the whole school. Her and Ashton had dated at the start of the year, until she cheated on him. To this day she still claims that it was only a rumor and that she still loves him and wants him back.


"Abigail. If you have a fucking problem with me then why the hell don't you say it to my face. Oh yea.. Because you're only here for the attention. Maybe someone should write whore across your locker. Can't you just forget about him and move on to someone who doesn't have a fucking girlfriend? Or are you going to keep chasing the one guy at this damn school who can stand you? I'm surprised you have any friends anyway! I mean, I wouldn't want to be friends with someone who talks about me behind my back, oh, wait oopsie! Didn't mean to tell all of your, ya know, friends the truth." I snarled at Abigail, the group around her was full of astonished girls with their mouths drooping open.

"Might wanna close that, there's bugs." I hissed before pivoting around to walk back to Caitlyn.

"Mrs. Clifford! We do not speak to people that way nor do we use that sort of language! Dismiss yourself to the office. Now." Mrs. Trevors stood behind me, arms crossed, tapping her foot.

"Whatever, I don't even care anymore." I grabbed my bag and marched to the front office as told.


"Babe! What happened? The whole school's been buzzing with news all day!" Ashton asked as we walked into the lunch room. "Abigail. I know she's the one who did it, I know it." He nodded. "So how much trouble did you get in?"

"Only two days of suspension, which I guess isn't so bad. I could use a break anyways." I tried to laugh it off as we approached a table of seniors, Ashton's friends. The ones who didn't care that I was younger.

"Dude, way to go Paisyn!" Timothy hollered through a mouthful of pizza. "Thanks." I blushed, bumping his greasy knuckles against mine.


"I'm going to miss you too much." Ashton whined on the way home. "I know, I'm going to miss you too. But if there's a practice I'll be there. No doubt." I squeezed Ashton's hand as we pulled into my driveway. "I'll be counting on it."

Our lips crashed together, moving in sync as Ashton rubbed circles into my hand with his thumb. "See you later okay?" I smiled and nodded. "Okay." He pecked one last kiss on my cheek before I headed inside.

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