Chapter 2 - Deal with it

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Yes, I hoped that when I woke up I was laid in the tent me and my brother made, next to my puppy, awake at 6 am just in time to watch all the kids programs on the little TV.

Instead I was still laid underneath the roof of this ramshackle house with Jordan sprawled all over me. I took a deep breath, held it and let it out in a sigh, I rubbed my eyes and stared at the room. Daylight did no justice to this room, the grotty wallpaper was hanging off the walls and even the once colourful graffiti was now faded, the floorboards were dark but strangely enough the only thing that hadn't taken much damage. All but one of the windows were smashed and boarded up and the door hung off it's frame, it didn't bother us much cos we didn't use it, the exit was boarded up and we just had a little gap to get out of.  A table sat in between the windows with almost all our food and collections that weren't as private on, and we had the most beautiful fireplace ever on the right wall. Even though it was full of dust, it was the most intact piece of furniture in the house. Above it there was a mirror with a beautiful gold frame that seemed to match the white marble perfectly.

I tried my best not to wake Jordan as I shuffled from underneath him, I wasn't as gracious as hoped but I don't think a bomb could have woken him up. I heard police cars, Jack, maybe? Probably. I looked down at the floorboards where he had shoved his shoebox in last night, I walked over to it, crouched down and pulled the loose board up.

Before I had chance to even touch the box I was pushed to the cold, hard floor violently. My heart was beating fast, my head hit the floor and my arm scraped against a nail in the floorboard, Jack was staring at me, hands in fists, my eyes watered as I backed into the corner. 'don't....don't hit me...I just wanted to see it'
'that's my private stuff! You fucking bitch! I hate you!' he screamed, I was terrified, Jack had never acted like this, well not this bad, he always acted up but never this bad 'you think you have the right to just go through everyone's stuff you little whore?!'

I sat up a bit, wiped my tears and shook my head, looking at the war wound I had acquired, 'I ain't a whore Jack! I'm 13 you dick! I hate you too!' my head was spinning and I couldn't think up of any reasonable insults, before I could even stand up Jack had grabbed the box, he turned to head out but before he did he grabbed a glass from the mantelpiece and threw it towards me.

He missed but the glass smashed. Tiny chunks of diamond littered the floorboards

I wiped my tears again, stood up and looked over at the doorway which lead on from the small hole in the boarded up door. Matt was stood there, the famous grin appeared as he walked over and handed me some food 'breakfast on me....come here' Matt sighed and hugged me, I hugged him back and was left wondering why these walls were so paper thin, how many private arguments and secrets had he heard. He looked at Jordan, laid in the makeshift bed, oblivious to the yelling as he slept soundly, he laughed a bit 'did you finally get it on with him' I pulled away and grinned, shook head my head
' of course you think he has anything for us to sell' I asked as I nodded towards Jordan's bag.

Jordan had a habit of taking drugs from Blake, he would often take things from him to try and impress us. Matt shrugged and walked over, he opened the bag, yawned and sat down on the cold floor. He took a cigarette from his pocket and lit it, he took a few drags and left it in his hand as he searched the bag, he smiled slightly and nodded 'kid never lets us down'

'looks like we have work' I said, sitting next to him, taking a bag of cocaine out of his bag and examining it 'if Blake ever found out...' I murmured, Jordan had been treat like a baby by Blake for 7 years, last year on New Years Eve he wasn't allowed out because it was snowing, yes snowing.

Sickness could lead to death around here.

The rest of the day went on like usual apart from having Jordan, we spent the day begging for money and pickpocketing, it was degrading and humiliating but we had to do it, we had to survive. The night however was different, Jordan's little delivery meant we had work to do, I set out with Jordan at around half 12 and walked down a few streets and back alleys with him. He was showing me his new knife quite proudly.

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